Chapter 16

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Ging focused his Nen into his feet, absorbing the force of hitting the ground with Lyra in his arms. Lyra had her eyes closed as he held her bridal style, once she felt them hit the ground she opened her eyes.

"Worth it right?" Ging said with a smirk, Lyra raised a brow.

"I mean I guess." Lyra said sarcastically looking away from him. Her eyes traveled back to him with a smirk.

"What is next on the adventure list?" Lyra asked smiling to him.

"The game but first I want to show you something."

Ging let her down, the two didn't realize people were staring at them. Ging noticed the studying eyes and his posture quickly changed. He cleared his throat and grabbed Lyra's arm quickly walking through the crowd of people.

"Ging?" Lyra said as he continued to pull them through the thinning groups of people.

As they finally made it through the groups Ging slowed his pace and released her arm.

"What?" He said glancing to her like nothing happened. Lyra let out a laugh realizing what happened.

"Not a fan of an audience?" Lyra said his body stiffened at her question for a moment.

"It makes me uncomfortable." Ging said simply, Lyra now wore a curious face.

"Really? You seem like you might like that kinda thing." She replied.

"Why would you think that?" Ging questioned glancing to her.

"You're so outgoing, just seemed like you might want to be noticed." Lyra said looking back to the road ahead of them.

"I don't want people setting expectations for me, I want to set them for myself. Besides if I'm not noticed I can come and go as I please. I can do the things I want to without being missed." Ging said as they continued to walk.

"Well I notice you. So you better not leave and try to come back because you would be missed." Lyra replied looking back to him quickly. Her words took Ging by surprise, he smiled at her.

"I won't do that."


It had been 4 days of traveling they came ino some sort of city in the desert. Lyra's eyes scanned the area there weren't many people here. A man seemed to recognize Ging and walked over to them.

"Ging! Good to see your back." The man said, Ging nodded his head.

"How have things been going?" Ging asked.

Lyra's brows furrowed in confusion as she watched the exchange between the two men.

"We have had several people pass through here. We still have a few areas that need work but otherwise it's going well." The man shifted his attention to Lyra.

"I haven't seen you around before. Ging isn't the type to have tag alongs." The man said as he studied her.

"This is Lyra. I wanted to show her this." Ging said glancing over to Lyra and then back to the man.

"What is this place?" Lyra asked looking around.

"You brought her here and didn't tell her you are the one that restored it?" The man asked, Lyra looked at Ging in shock.

"It's just something I'm interested in doing." Ging said simply. Lyra bumped his side, giving him an annoyed face.

"Don't act like this isn't a big deal!" Lyra exclaimed Ging let out a small grunt.

"Well it isn't." Ging said being dismissive of the situation. Lyra thumped the side of his head, Ging quickly looked at her furrowing his brows.

"Yeah it is a big deal you idiot!" She said loudly, the man that was standing in front of them let out a nervous laugh at the exchange.

"I'll leave you guys to it then." The man said quickly hurrying away from them. Lyra continued to stare intensely at Ging, she then let out a small sigh.

"Well? Going to show me around?" Lyra questioned as she began to walk forward. Ging smiled to himself as he caught up with her.

"This small city is connected to a royal burial ground. I had it restored when I was 15, I come back every now and then." Ging said as they walked down the path that had a few small buildings around them.

"Why did you decide to restore it?" Lyra asked as she looked to him.

"I told you before. I'm interested in the things people can't understand. There are quite a few hidden treasures among the abandon ruins." Ging said as he stopped his pace in front of a small house.

"You shouldn't doubt yourself you know? It really is amazing." Lyra said as Ging led them into the house. Lyra looked around the small house there wasn't much in it, Ging continued down a hallway. Lyra quickly followed him, she raised a brow behind him.

"Is this your house?" Lyra asked as Ging stopped in front of what seemed to be a closet door.

"Not officially, but it stays open solely for me." Ging said, as he opened the door revealing a wall behind it.

He placed his hand on the wall, focusing his Nen into his hand. The wall quickly shifted to the right, reveling a large room behind it.

"You're an interesting man.." Lyra trailed off as they walked into the room the wall quickly closed behind them. There was a couch, and a table that had a computer sitting on it.

"Well one can never be too careful." He replied.

Ging walked over to the computer with a small console beside it. He glanced to Lyra with a smile before he spoke.

"Ready?" He asked Lyra hitched a brow as she looked to the console. Ging pushed a card into the console and glanced back to Lyra.

"I'm ready." Lyra said intrigued.

"Place your hands on the console, I'll be right behind you." Ging said as Lyra approached the console reaching her hands out placing them on the console.

There was a slight blast around her as her body felt like it was being sucked in. The scene around her changed as she was in a room surrounded by colorful lights. Lyra's eyes looked around as the colors sped around her. A door opened in front of her, her eyebrows furrowed.

Lyra decided to walk through the doors interested in what was on the other side. It was a bigger room with a white haired girl sitting on some sort of floating podium.

"Hello, you're not supposed to be here." The girl said, Lyra stood her ground glancing back to the door behind her.

"I'm with Ging." Lyra stated, the girl seemed slightly surprised by her response.

"Ging brought you here?" As soon as the girl asked Ging walked through the door standing beside Lyra.

"Yo Eta!" Ging greeted the girl.

"Pleasure to see you're back Ging." Eta said with a small smile.

"This is Lyra. She's coming to help us out." Ging said Eta looked to Lyra and smiled.

"We appreciate your help. I'll let you both down into the game, Razor has been waiting for you Ging." Eta said as she pressed a button, the floor shifted in front of Eta. Stairs were forming downward Ging looked to Lyra with a huge smile.

"Let's go!" Ging said enthusiastically as he hurried down the stairs. Lyra smiled to herself as she quickly hurried after him.

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