Chapter 10

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As the doors opened Ging stepped out first with Lyra following behind him. There was a door at the end of the hallway, Lyra knew the chairman was just behind it. Her heart felt like it could beat out of her chest, a small string of aura came from Kiro. The aura gently wrapped itself around her index finger it was Kiro's attempt to calm her. Lyra smiled to herself as she gently nudged her finger, the aura dispersed.

As they approached the large doors Ging halted just in front of it causing Lyra to stop her pace as well. Ging raised a knuckle to the door, knocking firmly.

"Please, come in." A man had said on the opposite side of the door. Ging glanced at Lyra nodding his head once, then opening the door.

As they entered the room Lyra's eyes locked onto an older man that had sat behind a desk. His earlobes where stretched out where 2 earrings sat on each side. His long hair was pulled up into a ponytail, he raised a questioning brow to the girl.

"So you're the girl that wields the dark sword?" The man said as he chuckled, Lyra felt as she was being laughed at.

Her body tensed as she clutched her fist, she knew she shouldn't be disrespectful to the man. Lyra studied the man with an unamused face. He seemed to notice and motioned to the chairs that were in front of the desk.

"Have a seat. We have a lot to discuss." They both sat in the chairs in front of the man.

"That sword you have, we have been searching for it for quite some time. A boy by the name of Kyushi survived on a mission to the Dark Continent with a few underground hunters. I was told about a sword that he retrieved. Word had gone around about that sword, a few years later Kyushi and another were killed for it. Might I ask why you have that sword?" Netero said as he studied Lyra's reaction to his words.

Her breathing had became shallow as he spoke, Ging shifted in his seat not saying a word. Lyra wasn't sure what the right thing to say was and if she could trust him. Instinctively she glanced to Ging, his eyes shifted to hers relaxing some.

Ill be with you, don't worry.

His words rang through her ears, she let out a small sigh looking back to Netero.

"Kyushi gave me this sword as a gift when he came back from that mission. He couldn't figure out how to unsheathe it, my hands were cut when I tried but it eventually came loose. The sword, or rather Kiro chooses his own master meaning im the only one able to wield him." Lyra stated as she grasped onto the the strap that held Kiro. Her gaze dropped to the floor before she spoke again.

"Yinu.. that was the other person that was killed, she was my best friend... They were slaughtered... I was the first to find them." Lyra said as she kept her eyes on the ground. Ging stiffened, he shifted in his seat again.

"I'm sorry about that.." Netero had spoken with sincerity, Lyra's eyes locked back onto Netero.

"I assume Linus was working with you. I should be asking you why you didn't just take the sword when it was on the market. I have a feeling you aren't looking for just the sword." Lyra said coldly, the pieces had finally clicked in her brain. Ging smiled to himself impressed that Lyra had finally figured it out.

"Smart girl. You're correct, I wasn't just looking for the sword, I was looking for you. I wanted to decide whether or not I would let you keep that sword. I have been to the Dark Continent myself, I have seen the evil there. That sword could be very dangerous in the wrong hands."
Netero said as he stared at Lyra folding his hands together.

"How do you plan on deciding then?" Lyra asked as she pressed her back against the chair.

"I would like to test your power first." Netero said with a cheeky smile. Lyra furrowed her brows and she shook her head.

"I don't want to fight." Lyra replied, staring at the man who seemed very amused.

"If you want to keep that sword I would suggest doing so. As for tonight you will be staying here. There will be a party tonight feel free to join." Netero said causally, Lyra could already tell she wouldn't stand a chance against him. So what was his end game in doing this?

"Lyra you may leave now." He spoke again, she looked over to Ging who wore an irritated face as he sat in the chair. Lyra shook her head she made herself comfortable in the chair.

"Lyra." Ging finally spoke, he glanced over to her.

"I'm not leaving." Lyra replied looking away from Ging who let out a sigh.

"Trust me." Ging spoke again, Netero looked slowly between their exchange awaiting Lyra's reply. She didn't say a word just stood from the chair exiting the room.

Ging turned his head back to Netero who smiled suspiciously at him. Ging raised a brow at Neteros strange behavior.

"What?" Ging asked making Netero smile even more.

"Oh nothing! Please be sure to come to the party tonight." Netero said, Ging grunted as he stood up staring at Netero.

"Netero. If you decide to not trust her then trust me." Ging said before he walked out of the room.


"He's up to something Ging." Lyra said as they walked down the hallway.

"I know." He simply replied, Lyra glanced over to him he seemed to be deep in thought.

"So now what?" Lyra asked hoping Ging would have the answer.

"Now we do what we have to and leave." Ging said as he glanced to Lyra for a moment. Although he knew it wouldn't be that simple knowing how Netero was. Lyra let out a small sigh as they entered the elevator again.

"Your friends.." Ging started to say, Lyra glanced to him. He didn't return the gaze to her, he just stared ahead as the doors closed.

"I'm sorry." Ging finished, Lyra smiled softly to him. Her eyes pulled away from him, shifting to the doors in front of her.

"Thank you."

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