Chapter 1

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The rain was falling down heavily, the drops  diving onto the ground. A girl was laying on a dirt path, her arms sprawled above her. Her face was unreadable as she embraced the heavy rain, she felt... free.

I wanna be rid of this world.. I'm so tired..

The woman thought to herself, her eyes cut into the direction of trees shifting, someone was approaching at an impressive speed. She let out a small sigh but it was drown out by the heavy rain.

She slowly lifted herself into a sitting position with her hands supporting behind her. Her eyes staying focused on the approaching person. Their presence had stopped itself in the trees beside her.

"If you're going to kill me make it quick would ya?" The woman said loud enough that it could be heard through the rain.

No one replied back to her so she simply laid back onto the muddy road. There was a quick Nen spike.

Its strong.

In a blink there was a man above her rearing his fist back. All of his aura was focused on his fist as it came rushing towards her face but stopped inches from her.

"You really don't care about dying do you?" The man asked casually dispersing his aura. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his failed attempt.

She studied the man standing above her. He seemed to be around the same age as her. His back hair protruded out of a turban like cap. He was wearing baggy white pants and a long sleeved shirt.

"What stopped you?" Ignoring his question her eyes moved off of him. The man shook his head as he squatted down beside her.

"Just wanted to see if you were being serious is all." The stranger didn't seem to be bothered by the rain in fact he was wearing a grin, seemingly interested in the girls state.

"Well if you aren't going to kill me then you may leave." The girl swatted her hand in a shooing manner but the man stayed put.

"You could come with me besides it's going to take a lot of effort to die by a cold. You seem like a straight to the point kinda girl." That statement earned the man her gaze again. His golden eyes stared at her for a moment before he stood up.

"And why would I go with you? What would going with you do for me?" She said, the mans faced turned slightly serious.

"I'll tell you what, you travel with me for a year and if you still want to die then I'll kill you myself. You should give life more of a fighting chance rather than wanting to throw it away."

The woman rolled his reply through her head trying to weigh the options, but before she could decide the man held out his hand to her.  She studied it for a few moments as a chill rolled its way down her spine from the cold rain.

One year.

The girl grabbed his hand and he quickly pulled her to her feet. The mud had clung onto her legs leaving her skin discolored. The man gave the girl a huge grin seemingly pleased with himself.

"I'm Ging." The man said giving the girl a slight handshake then releasing it.

"Lyra." Ging nodded at her response, he studied her for a moment before making his way down the path.

"Let's get a move on then, Lyra." Ging said glancing back to her before continuing forward.

Who is this man? Why help someone you don't even know?


Lyra shifted her body against the cold surface of a tub. Her legs were tucked close to her chest as he arms rested gently on them, her hands supported her chin. There were a few scattered clouds of bubbles floating on the surface of the water.

She let out a sigh as she glanced towards the shut door across the room. Confusion clouded her head, she still didn't understand why this man would help her. Shoving her thoughts to the side she quickly finished her bath.

Lyra wrapped her body in a towel before exiting the room into her temporary bedroom. Ging has told her that they wouldn't be staying at this location for very long.

Her eyes trailed to the bed, her clothes were no longer dirty rather clean and neatly folded on the bed for her. Lyra's eyebrow twitched slightly in irritation.

He didn't have to clean them. I can do things on my own easily.

She quickly changed into her clothes, she pulled her long black hair into a messy ponytail.

"Ging!" Lyra yelled as she exited her bedroom. Her eyes searched for him as she walked down a hallway leading to the kitchen.

"Loud aren't we?" Ging was leaning again the counter in the kitchen sipping on some sort of drink.

"You don't have to clean up after me ya know? I'm perfectly fine doing things on my own." Lyra said looking frustrated with the man. A smirk made its way onto Ging's face.

"Is that so? So laying in the mud was you being perfectly fine on your own?" Ging replied setting his drink down on the counter. His golden eyes meeting with her blue ones.

"Tch. I was fine, I only accepted your offer because you left me no choice."  Lyra said averting her gaze in frustration.

"Oh? You could have said no, but instead you took my hand and came with me here. Which leads me to believe that you have some fight in you somewhere deep down." The man replied, Lyra raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"What makes you believe I have fight? Maybe I just thought that you killing me would be a good way to go out." Ging let out a small laugh at Lyras remark. It caught the girl by surprise, not expecting his response.

"We'll see after a year what it truly is then."

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