Chapter 6

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After that announcement was made Lyra and Ging rushed to one of the sparring rooms. In total there were 4, the room on the inside was huge. The walls were padded white, Lyra could tell they were infused with Nen.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Ging began to pull off some of his clothing to the point where he was just in a tank top and pants.

"Ground rules?" Lyra said as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. Ging nodded his head as he waited patiently for Lyra to finish.

"We can start with hand to hand, then move into abilities if you want." Ging said as he got into a fighting stance.

"I'm good with hand to hand but I'm not using my ability on you." Lyra said as she glanced to her sword that was propped against the wall behind her.

"Why's that?" Ging asked, but before he could get a reply Lyra flashed forward towards him. She threw a punch which nearly missed his face as he quickly dodged it. Lyra then flipped her body around bringing her right leg towards his face. Ging caught her foot and shoved her the opposite way trying to make space between them.

Lyra landed on her feet but the force caused her to slide backwards. She balanced herself making sure she wouldn't fall which left Ging an opening. He took it quickly as he dashed towards her, aiming a punch at her face. Lyra didn't have time to dodge so instinctively she blocked the punch with her arm.

Ging's fist slammed into her arm causing Lyra to be pushed back more. Ging was smirking as he swept his leg under Lyra, her back hit the floor with a loud thump. She slid her arms back and pushed off of her elbows to give her a boost, she jutted her leg out towards Ging's chest which only missed him but managed to get some space between them

As Lyra jumped up Ging came at her again, Lyra's eyes locked on his approaching body, she quickly jumped over him giving herself enough momentum so her hands could touch the ceiling. Once she could feel the cold tile in her hands she focused her Nen into her hands. She shoved herself off the wall with a boom, her leg were headed straight towards Ging.

His eyes snapped up to a rapid approaching Lyra, he bent his knees and jumped out of the way. Lyra flew into the floor causing it to crack slightly, she wasn't done though. When she absorbed her fall her legs shot off the ground again towards Ging. Lyra was determined to get a hit on him.

She reared her fist back, infusing it with Nen she took a swing at Ging's stomach. Her hand felt like it was being absorbed.

Got him!

Lyra smiled as she glanced to Ging who winced as he flew backwards. But his pained face didn't last long as his eyes met with hers and a smirk crawled on his face. Lyra's eyes widened as she saw him turn his body slightly, his legs hit a wall which he bolted off of towards her again.

His fist was infused with Nen just the same as hers was when she hit him. But suddenly he vanished, Lyra eyes went wide she couldn't sense him anywhere her eyes quickly shot around the room.

She could suddenly feel him behind her, but she didn't have time to react as his fist slammed into her back causing her to gasp for air. Lyra fell to the floor but she managed to catch herself on her hands. She gasped for air, Ging walked up beside her, her eyes looked up to him.

"How the hell?" Lyra choked out as she studied him, he held his hand out in which Lyra took to help herself up.

"Part of my ability, you said you wouldn't show me yours but I never said I wouldn't show you mine." Ging said casually as he smiled.

"That's not fair!" Lyra whined as she crossed her arms.

"Hey you attacked me first, that wasn't fair so we are even!" He said with a smirk Lyra scratched the back of her head averting her eyes in an attempt to look innocent.

"Well maybe I said go and your old ears didn't hear me." Ging's eye twitched at her words, Lyra's smile curled like a cats.

"I told you I'm not old!" Ging yelled at her which only caused Lyra to snicker.

"I'm sorry it's just-" Lyra was stopped mid sentence by Ging grabbing her arm gently. He was inspecting where his punch had landed earlier. His fingers gently grazed over the fresh bruise that was splotched on her skin.

"Sorry about that." Ging said as his eyes floated to hers. Lyra could feel her face heating up, with him being close to her.

"It- it's okay it doesn't hurt.." Lyra said as she looked into his eyes for a moment. His cheeks seemed like there was a light pink tint to them. Her heart was pounding inside her chest cavity not knowing what to do, so she averted her eyes again.

Ging pulled her closer, bringing his face down to hers. He paused several inches from her Ging's eyes were searching for something.

"You should sit I'm sure your back hurts too." Ging said as he pulled his face away from hers, he quickly released her arm.

The door to the room opened and they both looked to see who was entering their private room.

"Am I interrupting something?" Linus said as he shut the door behind him.

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