She scolds herself for being so rude but then the guilt washes away. Her hands search for the hair tie and when she finds it she carefully grabs the scissors and cuts the hair tie. Her hair doesn't fall like it usually would, which meant it was wash day.

She smelled herself and she reeked. She undressed and walked into her shower. She realized as soon as the water came on that she hasn't taken a shower alone for so long. She always showered with Nik. And that one time with Kol but we're not gonna talk about that.

She first detangled her hair, and then washed it. Then, she put her favorite coconut milk conditioner and put her hair into two braids.

She put the soap in her loofah and rubbed it into her body softly. At first. And then she started rubbing until her skin was raw. It was so raw that  when she went back under the water it burned her.

"Ahh, shit." She stepped back.

She felt a body behind her. Their hands wrapped around her stomach and their head sunk into her shoulder. They smelled her and softly kissed her neck. She almost let herself melt into him before standing her ground.


"Please, love." He leaving quiet kisses.

"I'm only going to ask politely once more." Her voice cracking slightly. But, she knew her threat was empty. She hasn't been able to use magic since that night.

"My love." He turns her around and kisses her forehead. "Please look at me. I'm broken without you." She hesitated but she looked up.

The man she once knew was gone. He looked almost as bad as her. He looked like he hadn't been drinking any blood or getting any sleep. She felt bad. Her hand touched his face and he fell into it. He grabbed her wrist and kissed it. And he continued up her arm until he got to her face. He looked at her eyes and when he saw the tears building up in her eyes, he stopped. He went to leave when she grabbed his arm.

Her lips smashed against his and he replied in kindness. His leather jacket soaked under the shower head. Both under the water, connecting lips and touching the others body.

Klaus picks up Venus and brings her to the bed. She tears off his clothes and pulls him closer to her. The more they kissed, the more she cried. Klaus tried to pull away. He didn't want to do this if she wasn't happy.

"Please, Nik. Just give me this. Please." She cried. Klaus wrapped his arms around her body and embraced her.

When she woke up a few hours later. She was alone. Better for her. It was a mistake. A moment of weakness.

She went back into the shower and when she came out she saw herself in the reflection once again. Something was off. Something just didn't vibe with her anymore. She took out her two braids and fluffed her dry hair, but was still unhappy. She saw the scissors and without a second thought she cut her hair.

Hair that she's been growing since birth. It reached down to her lower back. She pulled sections down and clipped them off. Her curls now were shoulder length. Dark and defined coils grazed against her collarbone. She looks back in the mirror and smiles.

"It's a yes from me."

Venus suddenly found herself wanting to drink a had little.

She wore light pink off the shoulder sweater and light wash jeans. She put white sneakers on and left the house. She's settled in a hidden section and ordered four glasses of white wine.

"You'd think someone who lived this long would get a high tolerance for wine." Damon said joining her at the table.

"Yeah, well. Hopefully, I can get drunk with no problem." She smiled. "How was the funeral?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Mr. Hot and Cold."

"Oh." Venus nodded. Damon paused. "You cut your hair."


"I thought you would never cut it."

"I decided I need a change. And cutting my hair helped. It was actually very therapeutic."

"Four Pinot Grigio." The waiter came to the table.

"For me. Thank you. He'll take care of the bill." Venus grabbed them with both hands setting them softly on the table. Damon went into his pocket and gave the waiter a hundred dollar bill.

Venus downed each glass in a single minute and then got up. She wobbled slowly to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Damon helped support her as she walked.

"Don't you have a doppelgänger damsel in distress? You better go on and save her." She kissed her hand and lightly slapped Damon's cheek twice.

Venus walked to wherever she walked. She ended up at a familiar witch's house. Drunk off her ass. Venus knocks on the door. The Bennett witch opened the door with a hard face but when recognizing who it was, her face softened.

"Hey, Venus. What are you, uh, doing here?" Bonnie asked hesitantly. Venus pushes her way in letting Bonnie smell the alcohol on her breath.

"I just wanted to ask. What went through your mind when you decided to help Klaus? Like just walk me through your thought process cause I don't get it." Venus sits on Bonnie's couch sloppily.

"I wanted to save my friends. That's it." Venus scoffed. "Shouldn't you be happy? Your mate is alive."

"Maybe. But I'm not. Nowhere near such a feeling. I'm confused. And I'm hurt and I don't want to spend another second in the damn boarding house."

"Why didn't you go to Elena's?"

"Cause why would I want to go there? I've been backstabbed by every single person I know. Except you. Unless I'm forgetting something." It was silent as Venus teared up.  

"I'm really sorry about what happened." Bonnie moved from the hallway to the couch and sat next to Venus.

"It's okay. I thought I should blame you but I shouldn't. It was my fault. I let my feelings get to my head." Venus felt herself sober up as she cried. Bonnie wrapped her arms around her and her.

"I lost my magic." Bonnie said, laying her head on Venus' shoulder. "After saving Klaus, my magic energy was low but I had to bring Tyler back. So, I used the old witches' energy and, um-" Bonnie's voice cracked. "They wanted to punish me so they punished my grams on the other side. I saw her and I saw what they did to her." Venus hugged Bonnie.

"I'm sorry. Aria hasn't spoken to me at all. It's like I've been cut off. I haven't used magic but I don't think I can regardless. So, I understand Bonnie."

"Thanks, V." Bonnie pulled away smiling.

"Yeah, no problem." Venus shrugged.

"Uh, wanna watch a movie?" Bonnie grabbed the remote.

"That's a great idea."

VENUS ||A Klaus Mikaelson Story|| (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now