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Venus's POV

I think I've been in here for more than twenty four hours. I haven't ate, slept, or showered. I've been searching for a way to save Damon. But I'm tired, hungry and dirty. I just going to take a short nap and eat a little something. Then, I'll go back to meditating. As I'm walking down the stairs, Damon is coming through the door. We haven't spoken to each other that much. Just soft,'Hi's and 'Goodmorning's. I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Then, I start to smell burning skin. "Oh, Hell no." I say running into the living room. I see Damon just standing in front of the open window without his ring on. "Damon," I say softly as he opens his arms. I clamp my hands around my mouth. I was frozen. I couldn't do anything. Stefan tackles Damon to the ground. After that I blacked out. I think I ran outside. I don't remember anything after that.

Time Skip
I wake up on the couch in the living room. I have no idea how I got there I'm just glad I got back home. I've decided that I'm not done and I need to talk to Aria. Come hell or high water. I climb back up the stairs to my bedroom and begin to meditate, she finally answered back. "What is it you want, child?" " I need your help. My friend Damon is dying and I need help. How can I save him?" " You want to save a vile creature like that. How dare you ask me such an atrocious question." " Aria please. I love him. Please, I'm begging you." I beg with tears in my eyes. "Child tell me, what is wrong with him?" "Wait , so you'll help?" "Not if you ask the same question again" she says in a threatening voice. "Ok, sorry. He was bit by a werewolf and he is dying. My question is there a cure?" I ask curiously. "I'm going to answer your question with a question. How are you going to get a creature who has vampire and werewolf blood to save a vampire infected with werewolf toxins?" "Oh my god. Klaus, the answer is Klaus. Klaus's blood. Thank you so much, Aria." "Anything for one of my children. Now, save your friend." 
Ok I have a way to save Damon. I sit up and head for the door. And BOOM I fall to the floor, oh right I forgot how much energy I need to be able to walk. Well I guess I can take a quick power nap.

Another time skip
Waking up, looking out the window seeing the dark night sky. Realizing that I slept for to long, I sprint to Damon's room to see him and Elena. I knock on the door to get her attention." Hey, Elena can I talk to him?" " Yea, of course." she gets up and gives me a weak smile. I walk up to him. He looks pale and sweaty and well, he looks like he's dying. And it hurts. "Venus?" Damon asks. " Yeah, it's me Damon. Listen I'm so sorry. I can't believe this. But I won't let you die." "Do you remember when you got drunk when we were together?" " Yeah, I do." I sob. But try to smile through it.
No one's POV
" Don't you think you should slow down, Jupiter?"
" Stop? Stop? I will never stop, not until I get to the top. Mr.Bartender," she beckoned the bartender. "Hey, don't you think my friend here needs a shot?" She says slurring her words.
"Miss, uh " the bartender turns to Damon, " Maybe it would be better if you take her home. She'll have a banging hangover tomorrow."
" Thanks for your obvious statement. Venus lets go home." He took her hand, and took her out o out the club.
"Home? Like as in comfy bed home?"
"Yes, comfy bed home." He sped to their one bedroom apartment.
"Ok , I'm going to take a shower. Don't throw up."
" Ok I won't throw up, promise" she gives him a wide smile. After stripping Damon gets in the shower after a long day. In the bedroom, Venus starts to strip out of her clothes. She walks to the bath room and gets into the shower with Damon. "Venus, what the Hell"
"What? I didn't throw up. But I feel dirty and we only have one shower. So ..." Venus says slyly.
" Ok Venus, your drunk and I'm not. I'm not doing this."
"Really, Damon?" Venus says quirking up her right eyebrow.
"Yes, really Venus. If you really want to shower, I'll get ou-" Damon try's to say but then Venus bites into her wrist and lets the blood flow with the water. "Venus!?" Damon says trying to retract his vampire eyes. Already knowing that Venus's blood taste heavenly. He bites into his own wrist and puts it in her mouth, so she can heal.
They stare into each other's eyes as he leans forward.
"Please don't get mad at me for this." He begged. Before he bit into her neck.
End of flash back

Venus's POV
I start to blush, "Yeah, I remember. What about it?" "Do you know your blood taste like heaven?"
I chuckle, " No, I don't but thanks for telling me."
He gets quiet. "Listen, when I die I want you to take care of my brother. He is reckless and he will do anything but save himself. Please keep him in line." He says with a tear running down his face.
I start to cry again, " Don't say stuff like that Damon. You won't die I promise, I told you I was going to save you. And I am, I just wanted to say bye and thank you." I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

Opening the door, " Elena , I'm leaving now. Take care of him please."

" Yeah, yeah of course. Always." I gave her a long hug. Then she went into Damon's room.
He'll be okay. I transport myself outside Ric's apartment. I sprint up the stairs, and bang on the door.

" Hello love, come for another round?" Klaus says with a wink.

" Asshole," I push past him to see Stefan downing three blood bags at a time.

"Stefan?" He looks up at me, he lunges at me. He bites into my neck.

"That's enough, down boy." Klaus says to him. But he doesn't stop, and I start to see black spots. Klaus puts his hand through Stefan's back and grabs his heart.

"I said, That's enough" he says showing his hybrid eyes. Stefan gets off of me and goes to sit down.

"Sorry love, he's a little unstable at the moment. Is there something you need?" I take a deep breath,

"Your blood is the cure to werewolf bites and I need it to save Damon."

"Is that how you asks for things? If so I'm not liking it. Maybe you should try another way." He says.

I roll my eyes. I knew this would be one of the possibilities. " What do I need to do for you to give Damon the cure?"

"Much better. I think I have an idea." He walks towards me " Come with me. To create my army. Come with me and I will give Damon my blood."

I look at him in disbelief, "Promise?"

"Scouts honor." He says with his signature smirk. God, I love that smirk. Wait that's not what I meant. Whatever, anything for Damon.

"Fine, I'll stay with you. But Damon needs the cure now. I'm not going anywhere."

"Great, I've already sent Katerina to give the cure to him."

"Wait what? Kathrine? She's not trustworthy."

"Well I guess you'll just have to trust her now." We look at each other, his eyes turn red again. "Stop doing that."

"What am I doing?" He says with a chuckle.

"That thing with your eyes. Trying to intimidate me?"

"All I'm doing is looking at you."

"Your eyes are red, blood red. The only time that has ever happened is two days ago and now. So what are you trying to do."

"My eyes are red? Your eyes are red. I just thought it happens casually. But now that I think about it. Your eyes were red when we were in bed together too. Well you should get some rest we're leaving bright and early." He tells me with a smile.

"I'm not tired."

"Do you want me to make you tired?" He says getting closer.

"No thanks, I'm good." I say sitting on the couch. After hearing Stefan tear through dozens of pints of blood, I'd enough and went to sleep.

Waking up the next day, Klaus was waking up and grabbed a knife and a glass. "May I ?" I know this dude did not just ask me to give him blood. He must be joking. I don't even have the energy to answer him, I stare with rage. "Worth a try," He says shrugging. "Come on the trucks are ready." He hands me a glass of water, and walks me down to the car. Stefan's already there brooding. "I'm going to miss you, love."

"What do you mean you'll miss me-?" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he stuck a dagger into my chest. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. I start to see the veins crawl up my arms. Felt them in my neck. Then, life became still. Nothing moved and then I closed my eyes. And I was gone.

VENUS ||A Klaus Mikaelson Story|| (BWWM)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя