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The Next day

Venus's POV

What the hell? The sun shines through the window. What in the world? Where am I? I fully open my eyes and I see that I'm in my bed in my room. Okay, I'm in my room, but how did I get here? I climb out of the bed to use the bathroom, but instead of walking I actually fell on my face. Crap. 

"Venus," I look up and I see Damon dressed in all black. "Get dressed." 

I stand up," What, why? What happened and why was I asleep?" 

"Jenna and John died. Klaus is a hybrid." I eyes shot open. I was wide awake now.

 " Is Elena ok?"

 " Elena's fine, no thanks to you. But do you want to know something?" Damon says walking closer handing me a black dress.

" What?" 

" Elijah, your friend, did lie."

 " The elixir didn't work? How much did I miss?"

 " We never used the elixir cause I fed Elena my blood."

 " Damon! What the hell!" I say walking towards him.

 "That's not the point. The point is that I was right. I knew he would betray us. But, you insisted that I trust him. Do you want to know how that turned out? Right when Elijah could have killed Klaus, when he had his hand clutched around his heart. He took him away and now we have a hybrid one the loose." Damon says raising his voice.

 I turned back at him and tried to talk but he didn't let me say a single word," Damo-"

 " All because you trusted him. I think that might be your problem. You trust to easily. Anyone who shows you a smile and speaks nicely is trustworthy to you." I can't believe this dude.

" Are you actually blaming me for what happened? I could have helped you. I maybe could have saved Jenna! I just wanted to talk to you and you shooed me away like I haven't known you for decades. You always do this. Place blame on others. You always find a way to make me feel bad or doubt myself." I yell back at him.

" You knew this when we became friends. I'm even worse with my switch flipped, you would know that better than anyone else. Once they came back on, I still felt no remorse or sadness for the people killed. I hope I never will. Because caring means I care, but I don't care."

 " That's why your alone Damon. That's why I'm your only long term friend. You don't care and never have. Oh and feeding Elena your blood? Your such a coward. Elena can make her own decisions. Sh has a very good head on her shoulders and she can think with both her heart and her head. You can only think with one. You should think about that before you try to put the blame on me." I tell him. 

Then we both look at each other. 

" I'm sorry, Jupiter. Forgive me? Forgive your dangerous, blood sucking best friend?" he begs. I just stare at him.

 " Please?"

 "Whatever, I hate being made at you anyway. And you know I hate it when you call me that." I walk towards him and he pulls me into a hug. 

" Yeah, I do" he replies. 

This how it's always been. Whenever we argue, we just say whatever we were feeling at that moment and then he begs me to forgive him. And I always do. Maybe he's right. I do trust to easily. I'll learn someday I guess. 

"Why do you smell like Klaus?"



 "Don't ruin the moment Damon. And don't judge. You were in love with Katherine."


 " Now let me go and get ready." he hesitantly lets go  

" Wait I need to tell you something." 

" I'm sure it can wait till after the funeral." I said and walked into the bathroom to wash up and get dressed.

*-* Time skip*-*

It was quiet while we were at the funeral. I still can't stand these things. Even after burying my entire village. Especially if they are my loved ones. Alaric lost Jenna. I feel for him. I feel for everyone. I know that earlier I said that I'm not to blame, but what if I was. Elena gets to another grave, her parents. Damon starts to walk off. I look at Stefan and we both walk towards him. "We're gonna head back to the house." Stefan says.

 " I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes." Damon replies.

 " Damon, come on." I say. 

" She needs us. All of us."

 "Then, what's the plan Stefan? The curse is broken. How does one go about killing an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two-faced older brother?" 

" I have no idea."

 "Guys, we can't think like that."

 " We need an idea, and fast."

 " I won't let her lose anyone else."

 " I wouldn't make any promises, brother."

 " What does that mean?" Damon rolls up his left sleeve to show a bite. A werewolf bite.

"Damon, how?" I say tears brimming up in my eyes. " Is that what you wanted to tell me this morning Damon?"

 " Yeah." I hate seeing Damon in pain or hurt. " Tyler Lockwood bit me. Its more of a nip really. but there it is." Stefan walks up to Damon to get a closer look.

 " We'll find something, a cure."

 " There is no cure, Stefan." I think I'm actually crying now. Damon turns to me. "It'll be okay Venus." 

" No. You're not dying. Over my dead body, and I can't die."

 " Venus"

 " No, Damon. I said no. I will find a way to save you I promise." I walk over to hug him. I whisper in his ear," I will not let you die." and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked out of the cemetery and back into the mansion.

 I went to my room and started my meditation. When I meditate long enough I can communicate with the essence of the earth. In my coven we call her Aria. I'm not going to rest until I can get a way to save Damon.

VENUS ||A Klaus Mikaelson Story|| (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now