Chapter 1: Introductions

Start from the beginning

Another mechanical roar in the distance snapped her head out of it. „Came from the house, looks like Claudette returned to that one." the old veteran muttered.

Luna nodded subconsciously.

Another one popped once Luna and Bill were half-way through theirs. „Two more..." she spoke in thought and connected the wires.

Bill apparently wasn't as good at fixing gens as she was, for his side blew up with a loud-


Luna almost shrieked. The Spirit was back. She just appeared right behind the veteran and pulled him off the gen despite his shout of protest.

Luna connected the wires and got off the generator, sneaking after the Killer. Bill caught sight of her, as the Spirit walked through an opening with a palette.

He pointed to the wooden thing and then back at him. Luna came closer and...


Something prevented her from throwing it down on the Killer. The whispers in her head shrieked and screamed at her not to. She just couldn't disobey.

She ran back to the almost done generator and worked on it. Luna felt the clawing hand of despair creeping up her spine as Bill's scream echoed through the map.

Another person popped out of the trees next to her. Luna flinched at their sudden appearance. „Shh. Shh. I'm friendly."

Luna let out a breath she didn't know she's been holding.

The redhead settled on the generator next to Luna and smiled. „I'm Meg. Who are you newbie?"

„I'm Luna."

A grunt echoed through the map after Bill tried and failed at freeing himself. Meg noticed Luna's worried gaze.

„Don't worry Luna, Claudette is gonna get him." she reassured the girl. Luna weakly smiled at her attempt.

„If you say so..."

~Timeskip brought to you by Luna~
3rd PoV

Joey scoffed and wiped the blood off this knife.

David cursed from his place on the hook and watched as the Killer sped away.

How could he become the first one hooked this Trial??? He was normally so good at this!

Then again they just had to fix three more Generators.

David averted his gaze from the hook's end that peeked through his shoulder. He looked over the Red Forest from his place on the Hill.

The Mothers Dwelling wasn't his favorite map, but hell it was better than the goddamn Treatment Theatre at Léry's.

He saw the detective storming out of the house in the middle of the map and coming towards him.

The dark skinned man grabbed the boxer's hip and lifted him off the hook.

„Thanks." David coughed out.

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