Chapter 10: The madness of his absence

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3rd PoV

„Play our little game~"

Her silver scythe was covered in the scarlet blood from three of the four Survivors in the Pig's Trail.

The moderator, hooked.
The teacher, dead.
The saboteur, downed.
The newbie, chased.

„Play our little game
Won't you play with me?" her voice seemed harder than usual. Angry even.

The last line was sung and she faded away.

The moderator, dead.
The saboteur, hooked.
The newbie, downed.

The Pig had followed the Reaper, watching, studying. Even Amanda could see how mad the hooded Killer seemed to be.

Amanda didn't know why, but she would find out.

„Quite mad today, isn't she?" the saboteur asked, struggling with the Entity's claw, as the Pig passed by with the newbie on her shoulder.

„As it seems." she huffed through her mask, stopping in her tracks.

The newbie stopped struggling for a second and the saboteur blinked. „You can talk?!?" she shrieked.

„Obviously." Amanda snapped. „All of us do..." then without any context she shrugged the newbie of her shoulder.

„Okay, maybe except Max and Bubba o- or Michael... I think he's mute." The red cloaked Killer sat down on the floor across from the hook. „The only one he talks to is... Mika." she took a deep breath and brought a hand into her masks hair.

„Luna's sister..?" the saboteur struggled out. „She has a sister?" the newbie squeaked.

Amanda ignored her question. „Yeah, but she is suddenly so- angry. Philip and others avoid her, Susie and Danny tried to talk to her, but it went kind of wrong."

„Kind of wrong?!?"

„Hey, I wasn't there! I can't know everything!" Amanda was stressed. She didn't know why.

Seeing Mika so mad made everyone stressed.

„Ah, I hope the Trails will be over for today soon..." she took her mask off. She didn't care if the others saw her face or not.

„What the-" the saboteur was cut off when the Entity's claw pierced through him.

„Jake!" the newbie cried out.

Amanda looked up. „Oh."

. . .

Somewhere else the Executioner followed his Survivor with the Demogorgon trailing after him, happily chittering away.

. . .

The Oni watched his great-great-great-great-great-grandniece slash at the leader.

. . .

Julie and Joey sat together with the veteran, the babysitter and the gamer. None of these wanted to work this Trail so they just talked.

. . .

Max however stood lonely atop of the balcony in the Thompson house, all by himself. He just waited for the Trail to end.

Another Generator popped in the distance.

Which one was this? The third? Probably.

He sat there, watching the reflection of light play on his chainsaw.

The botanist, Claudette, was running away from the older Twin. So she sprinted into the Thompson house and tumbled up the stairs.

Noticing the commotion the Hillbilly moved into the hallway and caught the fleeing survivor before she could full force bump into him, letting his hammer fall down in the process.

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