Stormy Nights (1)

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Happy spooky season everyone! Fortunately enough, I'm not dead and brought along a new oneshot that fits the mood!


Anno domini 1889

The rain pinched her skin like icy needles. Thunder roared over her head; lighting illuminated the otherwise dark night. The storm had surprised her out of nowhere, and before she knew, she had been caught in it. 


Without shelter.

(Name) had been out in the woods all day, gathering berries and herbs and enjoying the cool breeze of the forest. The weather had been blazing hot all week, so it shouldn't have been surprising to the female and her people that a thunderstorm would follow soon. Still, (Name) didn't think much of it when she had left her village, and as soon as she entered the woods, all trouble had been forgotten.

But right now, the female knew she was in danger. Her dress was drenched, stubbornly sticking to her skin; her arms were hugging her form, shivering, as she tried to navigate through the forest that seemed to get deeper with every step she took. 

(Name) knew that in this state, she was an easy prey for whatever lurked in the darkness.

Her heart raced in her chest; hot fear rose within the deepest pit of her stomach.

But what was that?


(Name) blinked, first perplexed before her gaze got hopeful. Maybe the owner of the house would give her shelter until the storm was over?

Finding new strength, the female hurried towards the lights, stumbling over dead tree stumps and roots, but she didn't feel the pain. 



Possibly a bed!

It didn't take long for her to reach the house – or rather – mansion. 

As soon as she stepped closer, her eyes widened. The mansion got separated from the woods through an old iron fence, the gate locked shut. In fact, it reminded her of the stories the elders told time and time again.

'If you ever were to find the mansion in the woods, run. Run, and never turn back, for what lurks within is capable of stealing your soul and dragging you into the depts of hell.'

(Name) was still staring at the huge, intimidating building. Could this really be the mansion the old tale spoke about? And if so, what was the creature that would lurk inside and take her soul? What type of monster was capable of such things?

Before the female had time to think further, fate decided to take matters into its own hands. (Name) had taken a few steps back, recalling the tale in her head again and again when she got interrupted by the shattering howl of wolves that sounded over rain and thunder. 

And by the sound of it, they weren't far.

She visibly jumped, frantically scanning her surroundings before her gaze fell on the locked gate again. 

What other choice did she have?

She stumbled towards the rusty fence, pulled, and pushed, but the gate wouldn't budge.

"Oh god please, let me in, I don't want to end up dead", she whisper shouted, rattling at the entrance like her life depended on it. The howling of the wolves grew closer with every moment she spent trying to get in. 

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