Lessons (1)

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Enjoy the first part of this new one-shot! Don't worry, there's more to come. Also, I didn't think I'd ever have to pull out my rusty French skills again.


"Wait wait wait. What do you mean, you will be leaving?"

Jill had stood up from her desk, putting her hands on the plate.

"Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking Jill?", (Name) asked, sighing, "I got a... Job offer. I've been with S.T.A.R.S. for years now, I- I think it's time for a chance."

Jill felt her heart drop.

"You know that there are a lot of positions here that you could apply for, right? You don't have to leave altogether", the brunette said, raising an eyebrow, "I know you want to grasp new opportunities, but saying that you're leaving is... Kind of sudden, don't you think, (Name)?"

The female sighed again, nodding.

"Yes, I know. Still, if I don't take the chance to start working in an entirely different field, I might lose that opportunity."

Jill had pushed back her chair and walked around her desk, facing the other female. Since she had joined S.T.A.R.S., (Name) always had been in the team she was leading. And she did a great job. It sounded strange that she wanted to leave now, just when her career had started to get interesting. As far as the brunette could remember, (Name) had no difficulties adjusting to every new mission they got. She never got into serious arguments with other members of the organisation and as far as Jill could judge, there weren't any problems that would've lead (Name) to such a decision to begin with.

"It will be hard letting you go, and you know that. You're a valuable part of my team... What job offer did you get, anyways?"

(Name) started fiddling with her fingers.

"Uhm. Well, I got recruited as a safety manager in another organisation. I would... Basically lead my own team there. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity", she explained.

"Do I know the organisation?", Jill asked, crossing her arms.

"I- Maybe? It's called...", (Name) pulled out a note, studying it for a second, "Direction Génerale de la Sécurité Extérieure. I... don't even know if I pronounced it right."

Jill almost choked on her saliva.

"(Name), are you joking right now? You're going to France?"

The brunette couldn't believe what she just heard. That was... Farer away than she anticipated.

(Name) nodded sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Jill. I know it's super far away but... "

Jill didn't let the other female finish her sentence.

"Do you even speak French, (Name)?"

"Uh. No. Hence my terrible pronunciation."

The brunette sighed defeated, taking a few steps towards her teammate.

"And – just let me guess – You want me to teach you?", Jill asked, crossing her arms again.

"Mmmaybe?", she asked with a nervous smile.

"God dammit (Name). First you waltz into my office to tell me that you will quit and now I should teach you French?"

Jill exhaled before laughing in disbelief.

"Really (Name), I didn't know you could be this insensitive."

"Insensitive?", (Name) repeated, "You're literally the only person I could think of that is capable of speaking French! I know it must be awkward for you –"

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