Safe and Sound (2)

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I am not good at writing fighting scenes. I apologize if it sounds stiff.


(Name) didn't know how long her and Jill had been on the run now. They only had roughly half an hour to escape Raccoon City before it would get vaporized by the missile strike.

The search for more vaccines had failed. They quickly learned that it had been Nikolai who sabotaged them the whole time, made them fight the Nemesis over and over again, just to take the last specimen of the vaccine with him, and with it the hope that Raccoon City might get spared.

Jill and (Name) were out for revenge. ... And also, for Nikolai's head.

Not once since they left the hospital did they find time to discuss what happened back there, and as much as (Name) wanted to think about it and sort out their feelings, this situation did not allow her. It would be selfish to ask the brunette what they were now while they were busy chasing Nikolai down.

She stared at Jills back while they tried to find the exit of the underground facility they had risked their lives in countless of times. Both of them were covered in blood and Nemesis-gut, reeking like death itself. If they got out of here, first thing (Name) would do was to take a shower and burn the clothes she was wearing.

"(Name), looks like we found our exit."

The other female lifted her head, seeing that the brunette pointing ahead of them.

"The elevator... Thank goodness, I was starting to feel claustrophobic down here", (Name) sighed, as they hurried to the device that would bring them back to the surface.

"We still can reach him in time. Hopefully, Carlos has caught up to him", Jill stated as they reached the elevator, activating it.

"I won't let Nikolai escape with the vaccine" the brunette then added with a growl.

(Name) only nodded, taking a deep breath. Everything inside of her screamed to take these last quiet moments to somehow ask Jill what the kiss she gave her truly meant. But that anticipated moment never came. The elevator stopped at the surface, and the two women bolted out, taking the last few steps to the top of the building.

"Oh no... "

The first thing they saw upon stepping onto the concrete floor was Carlos, lying unconscious in front of a shut down helicopter. The two women feared the worst as they ran towards the motionless body of the Umbrella soldier.

"No that can't be."

Jill kneeled down next to the black-haired man, examining him for wounds, while (Name) stayed in the background, the grip around her pistol tightening. It was quiet. Way too quiet.

Before (Name) could grasp what happened, she got kicked into the back, groaning in pain while letting go of her weapon as she stumbled forward to the ground. Jill turned around, seeing her partner getting assaulted by no one else but...


His name left Jills lips like a poisonous arrow. She jumped up, pointing her rifle towards the white-haired man. In the meantime, Nikolai hat pulled (Name) up forcefully, strangling her with his tight grip. The brunette could spot something violet in his back pocket. He still had the vaccine! And (Name)...

Nikolai acted quick. While securing (Name), who tried her best to fight herself out of his grasp with one hand, he reached back into his pocket to pull out the canister with the life saving vaccine. Jills body was completely tensed.

"You're not going to stop me!", his voice hallowed over the rooftop, "Promised you this, didn't I?"

He held up the canister.

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