Safe and Sound (1)

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cursive text = thoughts and inner monologues



The scream left (Name)'s lung like a missile being shot.

She watched in horror as the brunette stared down her arm, punctured by a poisonous thorn, injected by no one other than Nemesis in its dying hour.

Jill's breath was shaky when she reached for the thorn, pulling it out while stumbling back, choking. (Name) was by her side immediately, but just a second too late to catch the other woman, whose body turned limp before tipping over onto the hard pavement. Her muscles tensed up, she was gasping for air, panicking as she locked eyes with (Name), whose calls for her companion rung through the empty streets of Raccoon City as she helplessly watched the brunette starting to shake.

(Name) sunk down to her knees, her heart throbbing. She didn't know if she could touch her safely, but heavens, she wanted to. She needed to.

"No... No no no... Please, Jill, no- Dear god, help us!"

She knew the only people that would hear her were the ones infected by the T-virus. And those would definitely not come to their aid.

Tears spilled over (Name)'s cheeks as she tried to put Jills head into her lap. Meanwhile, the brunettes body had fallen completely limp after a few ugly spasms, her eyes rolling back to the point (Name) could only see the white colour behind Jills already closing lids. The only sign of life was her shallow breathing and soft groaning. Her body was fighting the poison.


(Name)'s voice was shaking along her body. Tears were still blocking her vision. She knew she had to help her as quickly as possible if she wanted her partner to live on, but just in this moment, her mind was blank.

'Shit, what will I do? I can't leave her to die...'

She bit her lip, trying to choke the ugly sobs that wanted to leave her throat. The adrenaline in her veins wanted her to jump up from the ground and save herself from the slowly proceeding apocalypse but (Name) couldn't.

Not after everything her and Jill have been through.


(Name) didn't know how long she had sat there, fearing for the brunettes life as she watched her turning paler and paler. Throughout the night, Jill had stopped breathing multiple times just to cough up blood, groaning and her body writhing in pain. (Name)'s heart was completely shattered. Only she did know how long ago she had developed feelings for the dying woman in her lap, and watching, how Jill more and more lost herself sent daggers right through her chest.

And even though (Name) had never been really religious... She prayed. The cold that radiated from Jills body was enough to make the unharmed woman shiver and fear that it was too late.

The sound of footsteps alarmed her.

"Jill! (Name)!"

"Oh god Carlos..."

(Name)'s voice was weak, breaking, as tears started to spill out of her eyes again.

"Jill, is she- "

"I don't know, she got stung by that fucking monster and she immediately started shaking and choking and I-"

Carlos knelt down to her side.

"I- I didn't even know if it were safe to touch her, I would've tried to save her, I- "

"(Name), keep calm. I'll get you both out of here and to the hospital. Can you stand?"

Her Touch (Jill Valentine X fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now