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Jimin was ashamed of himself.

He felt really bad for leaving the freshman all alone in a class full of strangers that would have probably bled his ears to death.

But he knew it was better for the kid if Jimin kept his distance.

No one particular liked Jimin. Just because they knew that being close to Jimin meant going against Taehyung, although Yoongi and Hoseok obviously did not care and were always there for their dongsaeng.

No one particular picked on him either, but everyone kept their distance. Taemin, for example, was exceptionally sweet and helped Jimin alot. But he did try his best not to get tangled in Taehyung's mess.

Jimin didn't blame anyone. He always believed that whatever Taehyung did to him was because he might have irritated the brunette in some or the other way. He had thought the same way till he could remember his first school days.

Jungkook was very a sweet and charming boy, and Jimin was sure that he was going to be very famous in the campus. And to protect his upcoming image, Jimin didn't want to the younger to be associated with him in any way.


"Your food~"

As expected, Hoseok and Yoongi had been waiting in front of Jimin's classroom just to deliver him his food. It was very often that Jimin missed his breakfast and lunch, and sometimes dinner too. So, Yoonseok took the responsibility that their son would not be hungry.

Eventhough Jimin always told them to not bother with his food, he could not confess the fact that he secretly loved the way his hyungs cared for him.

"Hyung~ you didn't need to do that....."

"Shush, little boy. Now, tell me, what was today's reason?"

"Oh! Taehyung had dared another stranger to rub ink on my face. No biggie though, it all got off easily."

"Hun, you need to do something about this. I don't like the way he treats you, at all. Hey, what about I mess with his room or something. I mean, it is very easy for me cause we are dorm mates."

"He will know it was you, Hobi hyung. Minho hyung basically adores him, so you will be the prime and only suspect."

"Do you think I care? That brat needs a good lesson."

Jimin laughed it off, when a simultaneous ping from the phones of the three boys diverted their attention from their "revenge plans".

The trio looked up, sighed and muttered at the same time.

"Spontaneous meeting......."


People gawked at the boy who had just entered the campus with the prince of the campus. It didn't take a genius to know that the boy was super uncomfortable with all the attention he was receiving. But no one gave a damn.

Kim Seokjin entering the school with a newbie?

It was obviously a huge deal.

The Prince of SUA, aka Kim Seokjin, chose his companions very wisely. Anyone who walked with him was a possible candidate for joining the Student Body Council. And seeing new candidates for the members of the council was a very rare sight.

Furthermore, the unknown boy didn't look any less than a high-schooler who had to be protected at any cost.

People did have their doubts but at the end of the day, they knew that Kim Seokjin's decisions were always the best.

Jungkook was fully aware of all the eyes that were watching him like hawks. But looking at his hyung, it seemed that if was a common thing for him. He tried best to hide his growing anxiety but Seokjin easily caught on to the discomfort of his little brother. One glare and everyone got into their own business. And Jungkook once again marveled at the stature of his brother.

"Hyung!! You are so cool!!"

"I know, right?"

Seokjin replied and flipped his non existing long hair in the process.

Jungkook just smacked his forehead and the duo continued on their way to somewhere which Seokjin referred to as a 'special place'.

Jungkook was extremely excited when Seokjin had mentioned that the younger could meet some of the most talented students of the university and could also make a few friends.

Their walk came to a halt infront of a very ordinary looking door which was painted in slightly darker shade than of the other classroom doors in the campus.

"This is your special place?"

"Yup. Now open the door."

The room was certainly not as Jungkook had imagined.

It was a full class-room sized area with a whiteboard, blackboard and a projector screen on one of the walls. There was a table with a mic-headset and an office chair right before that wall. The space left was designed like a personal hangout area. Instead of similar chairs and tables, there were all sorts of things one could use to rest one; stools, bean bags, and even a bed was put up at one corner. Every seating area had a similar mic-headset kept there. There was no proper "aesthetic". The décor was a mess. Everything and anything was put up on the walls, ranging from golden fairy lights to the sexuality flags.

It might sound that the place was a total mess, and not at all inviting. But a person standing right there could basically feel the homey vibes that the room emitted.

There were many people just hanging out in the room, each minding their own business, but the sudden cough from Jungkook's brother brought all attention to the new boy. They people messily came forward, waiting for the introduction of the new comer.

"Guys, this my brother Jeon Jungkook, who would be joining the uni this semester. Jungkook, meet the members of the Student Body Council Of SUA."

The members all greeted the boy unitedly, while Jungkook did the same.

He was in awe. Standing among the most talented and potential students of the SUA was a great deal for him. He stood gaping at the same place, taking in all the faces that were the university's gems.

Seokjin sensed his brother's eyes linger at someone for a moment and then proceed to scan the whole room. Knowing his brother inside out, he audibly asked him a question.

"Do you know someone here, Jungkook? Except the grumpy cat, of course."

The room erupted in giggles, while the person who was targeted by Seokjin's comment, muttered a long string of profanities.

Without any hesitation, the younger boy pointed his finger towards one specific person in the room.

"Yup!! I have met that hyung before!!"

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