Twenty One

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An eventful day.

That is what Jungkook considered it to be.

In the morning, he was greeted with a smiling Jimin at his dorm door with a can of cold coffee from the wending machine.

Taehyung joined the pair just a minute later with a bar of chocolate in his hand.

For the first time ever, the two seniors took the initiative to start a casual conversation, which somehow eventually landed on Jungkook.

And he couldn't deny that it was something that swelled his heart.

But for the two 95'liners, things were the complete opposite.

The forced smiles they threw at each other whenever the other interrupted, made one thing very clear. Neither liked the other's presence at that moment.

It was clearly visible that between talking to Jungkook they had been internally cursing each other, and wishing that one of them backed off.

But neither did.

The passive aggressive remarks exchanged by the two seniors were left unnoticed by the junior as he enjoyed this new feeling of attention.


"Wanna hang out this weekend?"

Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other, scowling hard for saying the same thing at the same time.

Jungkook was busy checking his schedule and therefore paid no heed the the silently bickering seniors.

"Sure, why not? I am free this whole weekend. Let's go hangout together!"

The smiles that were slowly rising up their faces instantly dropped on hearing the word 'together'. It seemed like Jungkook was nowhere getting the hint that the boys wanted to hangout alone with him.

"Well, I have work on Fridays and Saturdays."

Taehyung swore he had never appreciated Jimin this much ever before.

Jimin was one of the very few people who were allowed to get part time jobs as a part of their income.

It was a lengthy process, but Jimin had been checked thoroughly and had legal permission to work as an adult.

His work days were Fridays and Saturdays, which meant half of his weekend was occupied.

Now Taehyung just had to make an excuse of being busy on Sunday, and then they could hang out with Jungkook alone.

"And um.... I have an upcoming test next week, so Sunday is a no go for me."

Jimin literally thanked God for making Taehyung smart enough to understand his hints.

Jungkook looked as though he was in deep thought, a frown taking place on his face. The seniors felt did feel bad for doing this, but it was the only way to get Jungkook to spend some time alone with both of them.

They were sure he had given up on the 'together' idea, untill his face brightened up along with a wide grin.

"Don't worry hyungs! I have a plan!"


Jimin paced around in the bar, his uniform crisp and sleek, as the working hours began.

He wore a white formal shirt, a black vest with matching pants, and formal black shoes which accented his look. His hair raven hair was gelled backwards which left his forehead on full display as he held his hands tightly to refrain himself from gnawing out his nails.

Slowly, people started piling into the restaurant-cum-bar. And his attention was soon diverted towards his manager, who was perched on top of the bar stools eyeing him suspiciously.

"Any problem?"

The manger, who was also the owner of the place, was a cheerful lady in her mid forties. All those tattoos and piercings did make her look extremely intimidating, but everyone who knew her, knew what a sweetheart she was.


She scanned him head to toe before leaving the boy alone at his area of expertise. But Jimin could still feel her eyes boring holes into his back, as she was trying to find the reason of discomfort of her employee.

Well, what was the reason?

Jungkook and Taehyung were coming there.

And to say that Jimin was scared out of his wits was not an exaggeration.

He had that irrational fear that he was going to mess things up and Jungkook would end up hating him.

He had a seven hour shift, from 8pm on Saturday night to 3 in the next morning.

And conveniently, the pair was coming at 9pm.

His first costumer took seat on one of the stools, asking for a non alcoholic cocktail, which Jimin served with grace.

As people started flooding in, Jimin forgot about the fact that he was literally having a panic attack just few minutes ago, as he completed every order he was given with perfection.

Ms. Hwang, the manager, loved having Jimin around. He was not only an extremely sweet and polite boy but was also pretty popular amongst the ladies. Every Friday and Saturday, the sales would go up exceptionally high just because of all the people who came to get a glimpse of the bartender. But Jimin, being Jimin, was completely unaware of the fact, and often pitied the manager for dealing with such a rush everyday.

Among all the fans Jimin had, there was this one woman who seemd to be obsessed with him.

He had never had a work day without her presence in the bar. And today, it was no different.

A bright red cocktail dress with matching heels and lipstick, jewelry that Jimin could never even dream to afford, and the chauffer she came with everytime.

It was clear that she was filthy rich.

And jimin had no idea why she was obsessed with a college student who barely made ends meet.

He cleavage was in full display, as the lady leaned on the bar counter demanding Jimin to serve him. She called herself Diana, and all of Jimin's co-workers hated her.

She was a complete bitch to everyone except Jimin. There were often complaints from both customers and employees who demanded her to be banned, but Diana was an old and regular costumer, and Ms. Hwang could never bring herself to throw her out.

"Good evening ma'am. What can I get for you today?"

"Oh, Jimin~ I have told you so many times! Call me Diana. And I would like to have my regular."

"Ms. Diana's regular coming up!"

Her 'regular' was 12 shots of tequila, placed right next to each other. The reason for that? Noone knew.

But everyone knew what happened next.

Every Saturday, a drunk Diana would be seen hitting on a boy who was seven years younger than her.

Not a particular sight one would like to witness.

But Jimin would endure through it all.

Because he was a total dumbass.

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