Twenty Two

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"Jimmy~~~~~~ am I not beautiful? Am I too old for you?"

Diana was a complete drunken mess.

Her hair was all over the place, her pounds of makeup was smudged. She was half way up the bar counter, trying to hug the younger, while Jimin tried his best to keep distance.

Eventhough this happened every week, Jimin still felt uncomfortable, none the less.

She was so close, that Jimin could smell that Lavender scented perfume of hers which was definitely making him nauseous.

"Ma'am, please step down! You might hurt yourself!"

It was still early in the night, and Jimin surely didn't want any commotion to erupt.

She was getting way inside Jimin's personal space, and being the dumbass he is, Jimin endured it all.

"Kiss me, Jim~~~"

That was the limit.

Diana had the hold of Jimin's tie while she was on top of the counter. Jimin's hands were on the edges as he tried to keep distance but his face was right infront of Diana's.

He had literally started praying that Diana came to her senses, but that seemed very unlikely at the moment.

But miracles do happen.

He eyes opened in a flash when he felt that the pull on his tie was no more. Diana had stumbled back on the floor, wearing an extremely offended face as she glared on the new presence beside her.

Kim Taehyung.

He looked absolutely stunning in his semi formal off-white shirt and beige pants outfit, but his face told a different story.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Those words were directly aimed to the woman in red.

But she was nowhere near taking a hint.

"Why, handsome? Would you like to join in too? I am always open for threesomes."

Her statement was followed by a wink, which both boys found extremely repulsive.

"He is clearly uncomfortable and you are evading his personal space. Can't you get that?"

"Well, he isn't saying anything. But what it is got to do with you? If you want of piece of me, you can say it clearly baby."

She ran her finger tips on her breasts and it took Taehyung's full mental capacity to not slap the woman straight in the face.

All this time Jimin had been trying to calm either parties down. He opened his mouth to say something but then was silenced by either Diana's or Taehyung's statement.

Yup, he was doing an extremely poor job in stabilizing the situation.

Completely enraged by by the woman's words and attitude, Taehyung blurted out the first thing that came in his mind.

"He is my fucking boyfriend. Keep your hands off him."

It looked liked Diana's whole world came crashing down and she sobered up instantly.

But she wasn't backing down so easily.

"You are lying. Jimmy could never be....such a 'thing'. I don't believe you."

Jimin, who was in complete shock due to Taehyung's statement, felt an surge of rage on hearing Diana's choice of words. Surely, he hadn't thought about his sexuality so much as to term it, but he knew he liked men. And Diana was hanging on a loose thread.

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