Chapter 7

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Morning came and Xavier woke everyone and said "Now we go and find him!", so Andrew said "I'm ready", "Does anyone want to help?", so Ludwig said "I will", so Xavier said "Thank you", "Joey, do you wanna come?", "We could need use for a Doctor", so he said "Of course!". Few other members volunteered to join, so Xavier said "Good, now let's go!". As they started to walk away from the camp, Xavier said "Now everyone keep your eyes wide open!", we don't know what we are facing here". Andrew said "Okay, he went missing around here" and Joey said "Wait where is that one guy and everyone noticed that he was indeed missing. Ludwig asked "What happened?", "There is no way that we didn't notice him being taken away!", so Andrew said "That is how it happened last time too" and then the other guy was suddenly gone too and something dropped from the trees. It was the guy who went missing yesterday, Josh. Ludwig screamed and Xavier said "Jesus christ!", "Is this the yesterdays guy?", "He is dead", so Andrew said "Yeah" and tried to look away from the half eaten corpse. Then they heard noises behind them, so Xavier yelled "RUN!", so everyone spurted towards the camp. 

Ludwig stepped on something sharp that went through the bottom of his foot, so he fell to the ground screaming. Joey ran back and yelled "Hold on!" and took him from the ground and started to carry him. Soon afterwards they came to the camp and Xavier yelled "LET US IN!", so Jack opened the gate and asked "What happened?", so he said "We lost two more!", "We are dealing with some kind of animals!", so he said "Crap" and Joey carried Ludwig to the medical hut and before removing the sharp object he said "This is gonna hurt" and took it off while he screamed in agony.

Then Valentine came and asked "What happened?", so Xavier explained "We lost two more of us", "We are dealing with some fast and dangerous animals here" and Lennard said "I said that we are screwed here!" and started to shake. Xavier said to Valentine "These animals seem to be more dangerous than we thought", so Valentine said with a concerned look "That's not good", "How will we hunt now?", so he said "We will figure that out". Valentine asked "What about the missing guy?", so he said "We found his body eaten", "The other two disappeared the same way, so...", Valentine looked sad and Ray walked to them and said "We have to learn how to kill those things!", so Xavier nodded and said "But that will be difficult". Jack came to Izzy and Rose and told "Okay, no more sneaking out", "There is something more dangerous lurking there" and handed them some water and Izzy said "Yeah, it was a stupid in the first place" and suddenly the same 5 second earthquack came and Jack shouted "Woah!" and fell to the ground. Izzy shouted "What is this?!" and everybody outside was panicking. During the earthquick, Ray who was near the edge slipped, rolled to the very edge and fell. He managed to get hold of the edge, so he was hanging now. He started to shout "HELP!".

 After it was over Jack got up and said "It happened again!" and he walked out of the hut and saw Ray in trouble, so he, Xavier and Valentine ran there. Valentine shouted "Hold on tight!" and Xavier reached him with his hand and said "Grab my hand!", so he did and almost fell. Then Xavier started to pull him up with others help and they got him up again. Ray was on his knees, panting and said "Thank god you came!", "Thank you so much!", so Valentine said "Thank god you grabbed the edge!", so he nodded. Amanda was again at her friends grave. Apollo and Yolanda walked by her and Apollo explained "I again felt something threathening during the earthquick, but I cant figure out what it is", so Yolanda said "Maybe we will figure out what it is", "How did it feel threatening?", so he thought for a while and said "I dont really know", "It's like this feeling inside", "Like a warning or..." and he put his hands around his face and said "Am I going crazy?", so Yolanda said "No you are not", "If you really believe that it is something, then pay attention to it", so he said "Yeah, I quess" and they kept walking.

Omar walked into the medical hut and asked Ludwig "Are you doing better buddy?", so he answered "A bit", "It hurts like hell, but yeah it is healing", then Joey said "Yeah, it will heal", "You just can't walk in a while". Then Omar gave some grapes to Ludwig and said "I thought you would like these", so his eyes light up and he said "Oh boy!", "These things are my drug!", "Thank you!" and as he started to eat, he clearly enjoyed, so Omar laughed and while walking out he said "Good healing for you". As he stepped out, he saw Winston play football with his son Ben and was surprised and smiled. Winston noticed him, so he shouted "Omar, join us!", so Omar gave a big grin and joined the fun. They kept playing the evening. Then it was time to go to sleep. Xavier went to Bowser's cell and gave him his food and noticed that his forehead was all bruised, so he asked "What have you done?!", "Joey will take a look at you tomorrow", "Don't hurt yourself, Okay?". 

Then everybody went to bed and fell asleep. Later at early morning, in Rose's, Izzy's and Jack's hut, Rose had a nightmare and started to cry violently, so Izzy woke her up and said "Don't worry, honey!", "It was just a nightmare" and Jack said "Lets get some air outside", so they walked out. Outside Jack asked "What nightmare did you see?", so Rose said "I saw my family die in Earth", so Izzy's heart sank and she hugged her and said "I know what dreams like that are like", then when Rose opened her eyes, she said "Wait, I can see someone" and when Izzy opened her eyes she saw that person too and she yelled "Jack, watch out!", so Jack turned around and someone hit him with a baseball bat and everything went black.

New Life: The Beginning Of A New EraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora