She shot before storming out from the office slamming the door behind her with a furrowed brow that lead her back into the hall tightening the straps of her bag over her shoulder

"Hey? What was that about?"

Sam spoke out as he caught up with the disgruntled girl lacing his arm between her shoulder blades, the girl shrug huffing out a small puff of breath that indicate her corrupt mood

"Sampson just on my case as per usual!"

"Well mama we have that party tonight.. you're coming right?"

Lauren finally turn to Sam with a half smile nodding her head gently as they walk along to class

"Duh... wouldn't miss it!"

"Ok phew! Because gurl I cannot go alone! There's this super hot guy and I'm praying he wants a bit of Sammy joe! .. if ya know what I mean!"

Lauren giggled throwing her head back as Sam wiggle his brow at the elder beside him

"Who wouldn't papi seriously! If I was a gay man I'd for sure fuck you!"

"Why thank you mami! But you know we really need to get you a girlfriend too!"

Lauren sigh tilting her head sarcastically as she finally reach her seat sitting down with a heavy slump tapping her fingertips on the closed book in front of her

"I don't want a girlfriend..."

"Sure bitch sure!"

"I'm serious! Relationships hurt.. mindless no strings sex doesn't.. you do the math.........


Later that evening the pair stand side by side in the mirror adjusting their looks ready for the pre set parts basically the entire campus would be attending, Lauren sport a pair of tight black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a slim fit white T-shirt that hit her curves perfectly accompanied by the signature black string choker extenuated by her perfectly winged liner and nude lip

"You're totally getting laid looking like that.."

"Sam shut! Up! That's not how I do things!"

Sam roll his eyes turning to face the girl with an unbelieving stare, he'd always been Lauren's number one supporter no matter what and always worried that one day she'd regret all of the mindless hookups ... she never listened however

"You can't just work from appointments forever mama seriously.. don't you ever want to be in love..."

"Not really.. like I said earlier it's only a matter of time before you get your heart broken anyway.."

She spoke honestly as she grab for her lighter shoving it deep into her back pocket with a confident smile

"Who would break your heart girl.. look at you.."

"Stop! Anyway come on we're already fashionably late.."

She joked grabbing her hair over her shoulder following Sam out across the cold concrete

Lauren's POV

I loved getting drunk.. I loved getting high... I didn't love parties however ... weird I know but a room full of sweaty assholes constantly trying to grab you and talk shit in your ear .. just not my thing ..

Sam had ran off somewhere probably chasing after that 'hot' guy he was talking about leaving me stood by a makeshift bar filled with free alcohol I could only happily take advantage of.. my fingers grip around the base of a shot class filled with some random concoction that taste of pure shit however the instant buzz I received forced me not to care

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