Why am I... flinching? No, I shouldn't! I shouldn't feel bad at all. I was only retrieving what was needed, right?

"Ice cream, young man?" the dude asked.

"Two, please. Chocolate and strawberry."

The dude hands me two cones. I hand him... my money.

"Have a nice day, bud!"

Wh-What? Why am I feeling this way? My action was justified!

"Oh! Uh, y-you too!" The sweat built up as my body flew hurriedly towards Maya.

The night's still young, the air remains fresh, and the thrill of the fun can't get any better, so I say "Stop worrying!". In our own little spot, away from the numerous couples and friend groups touring the park, we'd shared just as many crazy stories and stupid predicaments as when we were alone in the space of our backyards.

"Hey, I was nine years old! What else do you expect from me?" The embarrassment was unbearable.

"Oh, I don't know, kid stuff? I expected you to make some silly, makeshift present like a toy or a letter, not some elegant jewelry literally worth a fortune!" Maya explained jokingly.

"Well, I really liked Juliette, so I only wanted the best for her!" I sigh loudly. "I just wish she still has it until now, wearing it and all that, so that I know it didn't go to waste."

"Aww, I'm sure she still has it, because that ring is super expensive, I don't see anyone letting go of that!" She chuckles, almost as if teasing the deed I'd done years prior.

"Alright, can we just forget abo--"

"D, a turtle!"

"What, where?"

She didn't answer, she just ran. She'd eventually stopped at a nearby game booth, and one of the big prizes include a huge, stuffed turtle.

"Wanna give it a go, kid? A ball through the hoop, the turtle's all yours."

I give Maya a subtle glance, and her eyes... they were so hopeful, so full of contentment, I have to add to it!

"Gimme three tries."

Three tries are all I need.

The man looked smug, confident of his unbeatable game. "You seem to be determined to get that turtle. I bet they're for a certain someone, huh? Sucks to be you, kid, but you ain't making that sho--"

The ball calmly swishes through the basket. Apparently, I only need one try. "Th-That's bogus!"

Without uttering a word, I commanded him to give me the turtle. He hands it to me without another bark.

Good dog.

"Maya, I got--"

She's gone.

Suddenly tensed, I survey the area. Thankfully, it didn't take long for me to find her. She was staring out into... the forest nearby.

I walk up to her with nimble feet. Sidling up to her, I offer the turtle. She'd taken it without a provoking comment.

"Isn't it weird? How our park is next to a creepy forest like this?"

"...Come with me."

As she took my hand, we barged into the forest, bewildered and unfocused.

"M-Maya! Maya, wait, I don't wanna be here! Maya, Maya, no!"

She didn't stop, but she did laugh. She laughed as she realized I had no power over her will. I had no authority over her appeal. If she dragged me here into the place I hated most, then I just have to accept it.

I have to live with it because that's what she wanted.

After minutes of dancing and prancing in the darkness, we'd finally come to a halt near a wooden log. Exhausted, I let my body succumb to the undesirable ground.

"Jeez, Maya, you're a handful," I said, exhausted.

As she sat next to me, she still... wasn't speaking.

I had to ask, "Hey, did I do something?"

Maya leans on my shoulder. "I hope you don't hate me for bringing you here."

Her skin was soft, and her head was tender against my body. The intimacy, how our souls intertwined, I hadn't thought of it coming so soon.

Nonetheless, she was motionless, soothed, at peace. There was no doubt in my mind, she had put her faith in me. Her trust.

She was quiet, patiently waiting for an answer.

"No, I can never hate you," I supplied.

"Promise? Do you promise me?"

I... gently wrapped my arm around her. This was the perfect time to... unveil my gift. With a flourish, I pulled out a piece of paper. Crumpled, but does it even matter?

She never broke her position, she kept on pushing her head against the warmth I'd provided. So I flipped the paper open in front of her. And what revealed was...

"Is that... a pig?" The drawing was so horrible, even a toddler can do better. Regardless, I kept my composure. "Yes, but with wings."

"Oh, those are supposed to be wings?"

"Shut up, I'm already insecure as it is!"

She finally stood up, inspecting the drawing in further detail. "I was supposed to buy you something glamorous, and add another bouquet of flowers other than poppy, because you hate poppies."

I continued, "But, I realized, that you've done so much good to me in such little time. Like, we hardly know each other yet and already, you touch my heart. My truest emotions. Maya, it feels like you're the perfect girl... for me."

Maya turns to me, shocked.

"So I figured to return the favor. I know it looks ugly and it makes you feel like puking, but, instead of some expensive present, I wanted to convey my message in a language you're used to understanding!"

She looks down on the drawing once more, and I smile. "You're better than you think you are, Maya. You're kind, annoyingly witty, and you care so much for the well being of others. Don't let your dad bring you down," I explained genuinely.

"You know what I think? I think you're the best at what you do. You're a pig, but you can most definitely soar to your heart's extent."

I held her hand and held my gaze, and she held hers. Once again, they're wet as the ocean. But gawking won't help her ease the pain. I have to...

"Sorry, I'm not used to this kind of..." Oh God, so embarrassing. "Usually, I just give my gift and leave--"


Before I knew it, our heads were gravitating towards each other. Everything else seemed to fade, what remained were the textures of her face closing in against mine.

"Are you... okay with this?" Damn it, Darryl! Such a stupid thing to ask!

But surprisingly enough, she'd replied. "Remember, D, you just have to think it, and everything will set its course."

And I did. I did think of it. I willed it to happen. I thought, and it came to be.

"D, are you sure?"

With heavy breathing, I responded, "Yes."

"Then how can I refuse?"

Underneath the shelter of the trees, the forest I so defied all these years, had become our sanctuary.

And our lips, finally... collide.

The Night We Came to BeWhere stories live. Discover now