17.Naughty Shota respects Big Brother

Start from the beginning

Your dry irritation and anger rose to around 50 degrees. Your eye twitched. Your not offended with the twink insult, it was kinda you, but a faggot? That's testing your patience.

Tamaki was equally irate. " What's with that attitude? On top of that , I can't forgive you for talking so rudely to Y/N" Then he points at the boy. " Quarantine this scoundrel!"

The twins dropped a cage on top of Shiro, making him complain. You leaned down to his eye level, eyes probably showing cold sadism. "You'll get nowhere with that attitude, brat." you squinted your eyes. "A girl doesn't like rude people, so we'll leave you here until your calmer." You stood up and walked away.

You walked into the kitchen, craving for cookies right now, so you got out the materials and ingredients for it. Shifting the flour until it's shift with the salt and baking powder, you separated the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients. Once that's done, you placed the butter and brown sugar in the mixer and turned it on.

Once it was mixed, you added the wet ingredients first before the dry ones. Then, lastly, you added chocolate chips into the batter. Once mixed, you got the cookie sheets and rays when Shiro ran into the kitchen.

At first he looked out of breathe, then when he noticed you, he froze in horror. You gave him an apologetic smile before scooping the batter into the pans. "Sorry, I was hard on you back there." You continued on this familiar pattern "But your attitude was very rude."

The boy nervously shifted. "Sorry." he mumbled. You smiled before beckoning him to come forward. He did before stopping beside you, watching you bake. "It's okay, but you need to learn how to be direct and respectful at the same time." Once you were done with the first batch, you placed them inside in the preheated oven. "Girls won't like you if you be rude."

Shiro looked at you in a new perceptive. "Is that why the king put me in the cage?" You nodded. Shiro huffed, annoyed. " I should've gone to you instead, your better than those idiots." You rolled your eyes as you placed the second batch aside. "They may be idiots, but they mean well."

Shiro looks at the cookie batter, hungrily eyeing it. Amused, you took a spoon and handed it to the confused boy, upon noticing your actions. "You could clean the batter. "Shiro smiled, thanking you before eating what's left of the batter.

You felt very exposed in this get-up. Haruhi was too, sweat-dropping as she looks down at what she's wearing. A middle school uniform for girls. She was given hair extensions as well. Mistukuni was also dressed up, wearing the middle school boy's uniform.

You, however, was forced to wear the girl's uniform. And added hair clips. "Why did it end up like this?" Haruhi grumbled. You just sigh before looking back at the staring students.

"We have successfully infiltrated the building."Misukuni whispered "This way, they'll see me as an elementary student, so it'll be fine. Right Haru-chan, Y/N-chan?"Haruhi agreed. "But why do Y/n and I have to dress up like an elementary student?" You agreed.

You remembered being with Haruhi and Mistukuni while the taller hosts looked at you with shady intentions. Tamaki then declared, in a creepy way, that the three of you will be the ones who'll infiltrate the middle school. How innocent you three were.

The doors behind you opened a bit, revealing the taller hosts who forced you into this position. You didn't pay attention much, until Mistukuni took hold of your arms. "Haru-chan, Y/N-chan, that way!" he said before dragging you two along. You had to bend a bit since he was shorter than you, making the mini skirt lift up a bit. Of course, Haruhi had to pull it down every time.

You found Shiro's classroom, which was big and full of tables and chairs. Expected. Mistukuni ran further into the classroom, leaving you and Haruhi to walk in your own paces. "No one's here." she noted.

And casually, the rest of the hosts filed in line into the room. Irate you meets Haruhi's eye before looking back at the hosts. "If you all come here, then what's the point of having us wear disguises and coming here?"Haruhi whispered shouted. You nodded.

"It's okay,"

"It's not like anyone's here."

The footsteps were heard, making everyone scramble for cover. You and Haruhi took cover behind the tables, the rest of the hosts doing the same. You peered over the tables to see if the teacher's coming, but the hosts were so noisy.

"Coming up with an excuse would be troublesome."

You swiftly turned to the hosts, Haruhi catching their attention. "Shh, quiet." she whispers, putting her finger near her mouth. You nodded, doing the same. "Now zip you lips and throw away the key." you instructed, doing the gesture with the brunette. You turned to look over the tables again. The teacher passes the classroom with no suspicions.

You turned back to the others. "Coast is clear." you informed with a small smile, giving them an OK sign. You were about to stand up when you noticed a yen under one of the tables. Curious, you dove under the table, trying to reach the money. Once you've got it, you pulled back, examining the bill.

"Someone lost their money?" you noted.

"Y/N" Haruhi called, prompting you to look. She points at your behind. "Your skirt is up."

You looked to see it was up. Annoyed, you pulled it down hurriedly." This is why I hate skirts." you mumbled before walking away. You then noticed pictures on the wall, the hosts soon joining you.

You found one picture of Shiro, playing the piano with a girl. He looks nice with a smile. You soon found him in the classical music room, through the window, you see he just sits near the window ledge. Doing nothing. That changes when a girl asks him to play the piano with her, he declines but that doesn't stop her happy self. She then play the piano.

Then a girl walked out to spot the hosts club, Tamaki charms her, then asks her some questions. You zoned out as you listen to the child's play, it was lovely and smooth. That was interrupted when you were suddenly thrown onto someone back and ran off with. You craned your neck to se Takashi's familiar dark spiky hair.

Why was he carrying you?

You could imagined what happened next. Tamaki giving a speech about crushes to Shiro, whom you kidnapped, and offered to teach him the piano piece. After the next few weeks, the concert of Shiro and Hina begun. Their playing was outstanding.

The next ten days, Shiro took most of Tamaki's guests. He was especially happy to see you enter the club, cause he jumped out of his chair and ran to you. Before telling you how Hina and him are talking through the phone and etc. You smiled at that. But the last one made you flush red.

"Hina-chan said that you looked like a bride ready to go down the aisle, and we were playing for your wedding."

Your face couldn't go more red than your shyness couldn't go higher.

And cue, squealing fangirls.

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