Chapter 7

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We woke up and got to school. The day flew past and with Alex, none of the bullies got to me. We go home and instead of my mom sleeping in the couch, she was up watching tv.
"Oh, well Melody who's your friend?" She asks. I need to tell her about Alex's issue with his dad and that he has to stay here. Maybe tonight? I'm not sure when.
"Mom, this is Alex. He's actually my boyfriend." I shyly say. I'm comfortable talking about boyfriends and stuff like that to my mom, but I've never had on to tell her about.
"Wow Melody. You just moved here and already have a boyfriend. Well I'm happy for you two."
"Well thanks mrs. Walter." Said Alex. He is very polite for being raised by an asshole. My mom wouldn't let us go to my room alone, instead she made us talk to her for the rest of the night, which wasn't so bad.
"Well Alex, it was nice meeting you but you should probably be getting home now, it's almost 9:00."
"No! Wait. Mom I need to tell you something in the kitchen. Alex I'll be right back." I said dragging my mom by her arm into the kitchen. "So Alex, what do you think of him?" I scramble to ask
"He's a nice boy. I'll think he'll be good for you." My mom says with a proud smile.
"That's good. So there's something I need to tell you. Alex's dad is a drunk and abuses him and.." My mom cuts me off.
"That's terrible! We need to call the police, right now." She says with panic clear in her voice.
"You can't do that! He has no where to go, and that's exactly why he's been staying here for the past few days. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you wouldn't let him."
"Has he been sleeping in the bed with you?" She says and I'm scared for what she might do.
"Well one night, but he usually sleeps on the floor." I say panicked. My mom brings her fingers to her mouth and looks concentrated.
"I'm sorry Melody, his father can't get away with this and what happens next? I let him stay here until he's 18. Absolutely not."
"Not forever. One month, please. He has nobody, mom. He just wants a family, his mom died she he was younger. Just until he figures out what he's going to do."
"Only on the couch." She says and I'm confused.
"He can stay, but he's sleeping on the couch. One month Melody, that's it." I scream and run into her arms.
"Thank you so so so much!"

My mom goes to bed, finally. She wouldn't stop talking to Alex and it was embarrassing. We were sitting in my bed listening to music and I decided to take a shower. "I'm taking a shower." I say
"Can I come?" He asks with a straight face. I start laughing and realize he's serious.
"Um well I guess." This is not what I wanted. No ones ever seen me naked. And taking a shower with a boy I met less then a week ago feels a bit soon. We go to the bathroom and I start the shower. He sits on the toilet and just stares at me. So I get undressed and he just stares with wide eyes. I was a bit uncomfortable so a asked "can you stop staring at me?"
"Oh I'm sorry. Your just so... Beautiful." I had never found my body beautiful. I was so pale, and I hated the curves that caused guys make sexual comments. He started to get undressed. I didn't really want to look, or at least make it obvious. So I only looked when I felt it was appropriate. We got in the shower. We weren't talking and it was awkward. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. We ended up kissing almost the whole time. We kissed more than showered but it made things less awkward. We got out and he got a towel first then grabbed one and wrapped it around me.
"Wow you have a body." He says to me. I'm not one to take "compliments" like that but anything from him. I've struggled with my appearance for so long but he truly makes me feel beautiful. I didn't know what to say so I just ignored it.
We walked to my bedroom and lied down for awhile but he had to sleep on the couch and I told him. He looked a little down about it but he'll get over it.

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