Chapter five

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I wake up before Alex. I just sit and think for a second. So I move here, and the second day I meet a boy. Not any boy but an amazing boy that I am certain I love. It's been three days now and he's slept over twice and I know more about him than anyone else. I don't know what to think, at the time I am completely clueless.
I finally get my ass up to take a shower while Alex is sleeping. I get out, do my hair, makeup, and get dressed. I go back to my bedroom and Alex is still sleeping. He looks so cute when he's asleep. His eyes shut and mouth slightly open. I remove my eyes from him and walk to get something to eat. I make some toast and decide to watch some t.v. to pass the time. It's 10:00 and I cant wait for him to wake up. After 30 minutes of watching my favorite show, I hear footsteps walking down the hall. Alex comes up to the couch and kisses my cheek.
"You sleep forever!" I playfully tease him
"Well, I was dreaming of you. I don't want to wake up from that." He says and I blush.
"I should probably go home for awhile to take a shower and stuff. Who knows what my dad will think with me being gone for two nights." He says.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea. Hangout later?"
"Yeah be ready at 1:00."
"Alex what are you talking about?" I ask wondering why I have to 'be ready' when I already am.
"I'm taking to out. Wear something nice, alright?"
"Oh, ok. See you later then."
"I'll be back around one."
I don't know what to do to pass all this time waiting for him. And I'm worried about him going home to his abusive father who doesn't give a shit about him. But I decide to talk to my brother. I'm so happy I don't care what he says to me. I walk into his room with video games scattering the floor, and pokèmon cards lining the walls.
"Hey Andrew what's up?" I ask. But he doesn't look up from his game. "Want me to make you some breakfast."
"Sounds great." He says, still not taking his eyes away from the game. I walk over to the kitchen and get out some pans. This is how happy I am. I'm making breakfast for my 9 year old asshole brother. I just made him pancakes and bacon. He didn't say thanks or anything, just took the plate from me.
Well, I still have boxes to unpack. So I start unpacking my boxes for my room. I come across my speakers and a bunch of random shit I could just throw away. It's killing me waiting for Alex. I wonder where he will take me. Can he drive? I know he's 16 but I couldn't imagine his douche bag of a dad paying for a license. I continue unpacking boxes and soon it's 11:45. I should start to get ready. I don't have much for 'good' clothes. I know I have an adorable sleeveless black dress with buttons going down it. I wear that with my black tights. I put on some blue heels to match my hair and I call it good. That would be as nice as I'm ever going to dress. I look in the mirror and decide to tone down my makeup. I wipe off all the heavy black eyeshadow and just stick with a bit of eyeliner. It's almost 1:00 and I wait outside for him. I see and old red car come from down the street and stop in front of my house.
Alex gets out from the car in a purple button up dress shirt paired with black skinny jeans. He's holding a rose in his hand. He really tried and his dress shirt really clashes with his lip and eyebrow piercings. I run over and hug him.
"Melody... Wow. You look so much more beautiful without all of that makeup hiding your face. And I love that dress." He says handing me the rose
"Oh thanks, you look amazing too. I never thought I would see you this dressed up. And I didn't know you had your license."
"I don't but we'll be fine I'm a careful driver. I never have a car though. This is my dads old car. He's not around so I'm using it hoping he won't find out. Anyway let's head to lunch I'm starving."

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