Chapter 9

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I wake up and Alex is gone. I check my phone and it's 3:00am. I look to see if he's in the bathroom, he's not. He's no where. I try not to panic. I call him, no answer. I call again. Still no answer. I called him until I was too tired to stay awake. I don't know where he could be. I'm so worried, what if his dad made him come back? I'm so afraid.
I don't go back to sleep, I can't. It's 6:00 and time to get ready for school. I look in the mirror at the dark circles formed under my eyes. Usually makeup is my security blanket, but today I don't care. I don't care how I look, I care about how and where Alex is. As all of the possibilities flow through my brain, I realize it's time to go. I stubble through the door with my books falling out of my arms. My brother finally comes and asks, "where's your boyfriend?"
"He... Already left," I say. He doesn't need to know.
"Wh-" he tries to ask but I stop him with "don't"
I get him to school and have half a mind to just walk back home again like yesterday. But Alex could be at school. I'm going. For sure. After that thought reached my head, I practically ran.
I'm scrambling through the halls looking for Alex. He's not here. I can't find him. Maybe he'll come later today.
When I arrive to my English class, he isn't there. What happened. All the sudden I feel my phone vibrate. I look down.
Alex: after school meet me at the park
Me: are you crazy? You scared the hell out of me where are you
Alex: you should be scared
Me: what?
He didn't reply. But after I had to serve detention I got my ass down to the park. At this point I completely forgot about picking my brother up. I walked down the sidewalk until I spotted Alex's long black hair. I ran and jumped in his arms kissing him. His reaction isnt what I expect. He basically pushes me off. My smile moves to a frown. And he is sadder than I've ever seen him.
"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask concerned. I see a tear roll down his cheek.
"I have to go," he says.
"Wha do you mean? You live with me."
"Don't you get it? It's not legal to live with you without my father signing me over. I have to go to my aunts. She lives in Colorado. I'm sorry," he says now balling.
"No, no Alex, we can make this work-"
"No. No we can't. I love you forever and-" he breaks down crying holding me so tight I can't breathe. He quickly looks down avoiding eye contact. He walks away. I don't follow him, chase him down begging him to work this out with me. I stand still, staring at his disappearing body walk down the side walk.

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