Chapter 10: Waterbender Scum

Start from the beginning

          The net cut through the water, and she couldn't dodge in time, the net pinning her to the ground before wrapping around her. 

          "Really?! C'mon, you guys." Sokka complained, dodging another net and fighting back a few pirates. 

          "Shut up, Sokka." Y/N spat, carefully bending a tiny bit of water towards her. She could barley move, so even a small amount was difficult, but it was enough. She and Aang were being dragged away, the private's just leaving Sokka at the camp.

          "Hey! Am I not good enough to be kidnapped? Agh!" A net wrapped around him as well.


          The pirates had attempted to tie all of them up, but Y/N's aggressive thrashing and spitting just led them to tie her net to a tree, leaving her a little ways behind them to bring Aang forward.

          She was coming close to breaking free anyways, the tiny bit of water wrapped around the pieces keeping the net together. She concentrated, breathing slowly and making the ice colder and colder, weakening the metal.

          "Alright. Give him to me, and I'll give you the scroll." Y/N looked up to see Zuko standing there, gesturing for the pirates to give Aang to him. Jerk.

          "No, you give us the scroll, and we'll hand over the prisoner." The lead pirate countered. Zuko growled in irritation, clutching onto the scroll.

          "You guys are seriously gonna trade the Avatar for a piece of parchment?" Sokka asked with a smirk. "You could get so much more money from the Fire Lord than some high ranking customer for a scroll." Sokka, you're a genius.

          "This is the Avatar?" The pirates asked, sounding astounded. Y/N snorted quietly at their disbelief. 

          "Nevermind. You can keep the scroll. We'll be on our way." The lead pirate smirked at Zuko, attempting to walk past him, and all hell broke loose, pirates against Fire Nation soldiers. 

          Y/N quickly strained against her frozen bonds, the metal shattering. She ran towards Aang and Sokka, slicing off their ropes.

          "Thanks. Time to split!" Sokka yelled, coming with Y/N as she sliced off Katara's bonds.

          "You're an idiot." Y/N told her sister, who gave her a guilty look. At least she's not arguing with me on that.

          "Hey!" A pirate lunged at them, and suddenly they were in the fray, dodging random weapons and coughing from the clouds of dust and smoke around them.

          Y/N was thrown to the ground, the world spinning, with no reference point as to where she was. She saw Fire Nation boots and immediately kicked their feet out from under them, but she misjudged it, and unfortunately that meant they fell on top of her.

          "Y/N." Y/N got the breath knocked out of her, and so did the person on top, but whenever she quickly recovered, and looked up, her nose was inches from a certain prince's.

          "Hello there." She said smoothly with a sour undertone. "Come here often?"

          "Stop messing around, do you know what's going on around you?"

          "I can't move until you get off, you dope. Or do you want to just knock me out and almost leave me to drown again?"

          "Look, about that..." Y/N cut Zuko off by roughly pushing him off her.

          "It's a game of cat and mouse now, fireboy. You'll have to do better than this to catch us." Y/N smirked, diving into the crowd of warring sides, popping out on the other side.

          "Time to leave!" Sokka yelled, grabbing her arm and yanking her upright, both running towards the pirates' boat. They got onboard, and between Y/N, Aang, and Katara, they easily waterbent the boat from shore in seconds, setting off down the river.

          Everything seemed fine, the pirates and Fire Nation soldiers took a bit to notice, so they had a big head start, not to mention three waterbenders, but the pirates quickly got on the Fire Nation ship, chasing after, and then....

          "Guys! Stop the boat! Stop the boat!" Sokka panicked. 

          "Why?" Y/N turned around, and almost screamed, immediately bending the water back, stopping them from going over the ginormous waterfall.

          "We're stopped!" Aang said, blowing on the useless Bison whistle. Y/N looked back at him just in time for the Fire Nation ship to hit their boat, hard. Wood splintered, and Y/N stumbled forwards, barely able to keep bending, but Aang and Katara lost their footing, and one inexperienced waterbender was not enough to stop it completely.

          They tumbled over the edge, Appa swooping in to catch them at the last moment. Y/N was a little too far to the left, reaching out to Sokka, who already sat in the saddle. She grabbed his hand, but her heart dropped as his fingers slipped away again.

           She was falling. She didn't even feel herself hit the water.

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