"Tacos for us and if the kids want some they can too. But I made some of my moms chicken broccoli casserole that they like." Keith told them. He wiped his hands on his apron and hugged everyone.

____a few moments laterrrr____

Soon enough everyone was settled and sitting down. Matt was talking with Lotor and Allura while Pidge and Hunk talked with Keith and Lance. "So when're you gonna have kids?" Lance asked. Keith nudged him in the side which made him let out a silent 'ow' Pidge choked on their wine and looked at Lance with a nervous smile. "U-Uhh I mean o-only if-well you know-I-" Keith chuckled a little "Hey you don't have to answer. If you don't want to say it now you can later." he reassured them. "What I meant to say was do you see any kids in the foreseeable future?" Lance asked once more.

"...yes" Pidge muttered. Hunk felt his whole heart warm and when Lance looked at him he could barely cotinue to cause he was shining so bright. "Really?!" he asked in excitement. "Yes. Calm down you're gonna spill your wine everywhere." they said looking at Hunk. He smiled and set down his wine to hug and kiss his spouse.

The whole group went silent when they heard both Toby and Lily giggling loudly. Lance peaked his head out from the frame of the kitchen. They all watched as Toby who obviously showed immense shiness and adoration for his outgoing bright best friend stare lovingly at her. It was the kind of sibling love. He had beautiful bright blue grey eyes and I guess you could almost say ashy brunette hair. His skin was pale like Lotor's but his face was covered in freckles. "Oh my god they have become siblings in this moment!" Lance fanboyed quietly.

Lily had brunette hair that was wavy like Lance's. Her eyes were a mix between both Keith's and Lance while her skin was tan. Freckles dotted her cheeks. She had the sass like her Pa as well as his attitude but she also has the genourosity and creativity of her Dad. The seven watched as the two interacted and smiled happily. They watched as Lily told Toby a story and how he just nodded along and sometimes joined in.

____Three hours later____

Allura and Lotor ended up leaving and that left Pidge and Hunk. "It's late. You guys should just stay over and drive home tomorrow. Besides Pidge looks like they're gonna pass out anytime now." Lance suggested. "You already got the guest room set up?" Hunk asked. "Yeah. It helps when you have a husband and your friends helping out." Keith said looking up at Lance. "Good point. How're you guy's doing?" Pidge asked.

Earlier in the week Shiro had popped up and found out where they lived. When he came over he tried to get Keith to get back with him but when he saw Lance asleep with a child on his chest he got angry and stomped away to his car. "We're doing good. Tired but good." Lance whispered out. Lily was passed out on the couch resting in Keith's lap. He was running his fingers through her hair which soothed her and made any scary thoughts go away into the darkness. It was something that Keith has always done. From the beginning of dating Lance to when they got married and had Lily.

"Takes a village to raise a kid." Lance mentioned. When they didn't get a response they realized that their friends were asleep on the couch. They smiled and got up to go get ready for bed themselves. Lance laid a blanket on them and turned off the light, making his way to the room.

The two tucked in Lily and went into their room to have some time with each other. They did all the stuff they needed so they were good to go. Keith loosely braided his hair into a side braid and kissed his husband. Despite having a king size bed and plenty of room they refuse to not lay in the middle of the bed snuggled together to the point where you can't tell who is who. All you see is a lump in the comforter of the bed. Lance was an inch taller than Keith and everytime they got in bed Keith immediately latched onto Lance.

He rested a hand on Lance's cheek and smiled. Despite the darkness of the room he could still see the sleepy smile on his spouses face. "How did I get to be with someone so perfect as you?" he whispered out. "I think the same thing." Lance told him. "I love you." "I love you too. How long do you think it'll take before lily starts to stir?" Keith asked jokingly. "Mmm...let's not think about that for a second and enjoy the absolute peace and quiet for a moment." he responded sleepily.

"Besides it's my turn to do it tonight since you did it last night." he said again. Lance's sleepy smile could be seen through the darkness and made Keith fall even more in love with the cuban. If that's even possible. "I love you, darling. Let's get some sleep." Keith whispered out. Lance was already passed out and had his nose nuzzled in the crook of keith's neck.

Lance does this thing where before he's fully asleep he'll gently lay a kiss on the nape of Keith's neck and whisper out an "I love you too...never forget that." And each time it get's Keith all red in the face.

And he says the same thing...just not out loud.

____The End____

And that is the the end of this book! Should I write a second one or should I just leave it like this. I could write about the adventures of Toby and Lily. Thank you guys so much for supporting me with this book and reading it! Knowing that people actually read my writing gives me so much more motivation to write even more stories. I love you all and thank you for reading my stuff!

Writing this book had it's challenges but it gave me more ideas on more stories I could write. 


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