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This is kind of a filler. Keith is the main character in this chapter.

|| Previously ||

The only feeling he could feel was anger and confusion. "I'm sorry," he whispered out. Keith had his fists clutching at Lance's shirt, and the tears he was holding back finally let loose and seeped into his shirt. Pidge and Hunk watched the interaction and could practically see the steam rolling off Lance.

They could feel the anger radiating off him when he hugged Keith, but they could also feel the support and comfort coming off him at the moment as well. "He-I...I knew, and I didn't want to say anything about it s-so I...I just pu-pushed it asi-...aside," he whimpered out "He...he was sle-...sleeping with...with Adam,"

The sound of soft whimpers and sniffles echoed throughout the room, and Lance's coughs were silenced. The itching feeling was faded, and the impulse to pull out whatever vice was growing was gone.

But only for a moment.

Maybe he would get the person he wanted...

Or maybe it would end in heartbreak.


Keith laid in his bed, curled up with the hood of his hoodie pulled over his head, and his arms hugging his waist. His room was dark, and the only light coming in was from the hall light outside of his door. Lance, along with Pidge and Hunk, were all in the living room of Keith's apartment. All of them stayed over so they could watch out for him and make sure he was okay.

Though all of them vowed, they would give him his space because when someone's hurting from the heartbreak, they need some time to get over the pain. It's a lot easier said than done, and sadly that's life. He had bowls, mugs, and plates on his desk as well as his nightstand and clothes were scattered on the floor. Along with the clothes were shoes, towels, and other stuff that was Shiro's thrown onto the floor and ripped.

The bedsheets on the bed were now scattered amongst the floor, and the blanket that Lance brought in was entangled with Keith's legs. This was one of his first real heartbreaks, and he never thought that it would hurt this bad. He never thought that despite him feeling like something was missing that it would hurt so much. A knock on the door sounded throughout the room and made Keith jump slightly.

"Keith..." Lance said softly. There was no response as predicted, so he lowered his hand to the doorknob and twisted it to open the door. Upon opening it, he saw the depressing scene of his best friend/crush lying curled up in a ball on the bed with a blanket intertwined with his legs. Setting the tray he had with some food on it down on Keith's desk, he walks over and bends down to Keith's height, which isn't too far down.

Instead of trying to talk, he stood back up and brought the food over, but when Keith saw the food, he turned over and stuffed his face into the pillow, letting out a cry. "Please, Keith. You need to eat," he whispered. It took a moment of convincing, but soon enough, Lance got him turned over and sitting up with the tray of food on his lap. He made Keith's favorite sandwich and even put his favorite chips in the sandwich just like he likes.

He knew it was a wrong time to bring up the kiss, so instead, he pushed it aside and comforted his friend despite hating that word with a passion. Scooting onto the other side of him, he sits down with his back resting against the headboard and his eyes on the TV. Keith watched as he did this, but when Lance felt eyes on him, he quickly looked away so he wouldn't be caught. Even though he knows he was caught red-handed.

"How's the sandwich?" he asked. Keith hummed and swallowed before whispering a soft "Good," and taking another bite of it. Chuckling, he watched (and totally not in a creepy way) as Keith stuffed the sandwich in his mouth like he was starved of food. I mean, if you really think about it, he kind of was because each time he was offered food, he refused at least that was until Lance started forcing him to eat.

"Why're you comforting me?" Keith asked his voice was hoarse and wavery, but he still asked. "...because you're my best friend and my crush, and I want to take care of you," he said hesitantly. "But I've been hurting you," Keith told the other. "But you didn't know about it, Keith. You loved someone else, and I let you be happy because you deserved to be happy. I wasn't gonna take that away from you," Lance told him. He was now sitting in front of Keith sitting crisis crossed and his elbows on his knees.

"But-" "No. 'no buts' or 'what if's' because we are not focusing on me. We're focusing on you and only you," Lance laughed and moved the plate as he saw Keith was done. Setting it on his nightstand after finding space on it, he notices Keith staring at something in the room, and he follows his line of vision. Seeing something that looked to be something of Adams, Keith teared up and went back into his fetal position.

Walking over to where Keith was looking, Lance picked it up and took it to the kitchen. It was a shirt of Adams, and when Lance saw the scissors, he picked them up and cut the sweater. Pidge watched with a smug smile while Hunk was wondering what was happening. "Pidge, I want you to get Keith out of his room and bring him down here. Hunk, I need you to get some matches and everything that belonged to Shiro. We're gonna set everything this bitch touched or wore on fire," Lance said but more like demanded.

They both nodded, and Pidge went upstairs to get Keith out of his room while Hunk went to go fetch some matches and everything that was Shiro's. Hearing small pitter-patter of feet, Lance turns his head to see Keith walking down with puffy red eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and a slow walk. "What's going on, Lance?" he asked the taller male. Lance walked up to him and put his hands on his shoulders and asked, "Can you do me a favor, bud? Can you get me everything Shiro wore or touched?" Keith looked at him, confused, and responded with, "Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking five-year-old, and why do I need to do that?"

A smug smile came onto Lance's face, and he simply said, "We're gonna burn everything that Shiro wore or-" before he could even get his sentence out, he watched as Keith's face lit up and watched as he zoomed upstairs. Okay, so this may not be the smartest thing to do and may not be the wisest or maturest thing to do, but when someone messes or hurts any person in their group, then they're gonna pay.

Keith came down with two basket fulls of Shiro's shit and with a playful smile that read 'Let's do this shit' Laughing Lance took the two baskets and set them down on the couch. Pulling Keith into a hug, he whispers the words, "I'm sorry," into Keith's ear to which Keith responds with a tighter grip and "Don't be. If anything, I think I found the thing that was missing," and walked off, leaving Lance to process what he just said.

Hunk walked out of the kitchen with a box of matches and a proud smile. "I found the-woah what happened, buddy? Everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," he said, walking over to his best friend with a worried look. "Dude you gonna talk or..." he waved his hand in front of Lance's face, but to no avail, he got no response, so he walked away.

Finally, getting taken out of his mind, he steps over to the door and looks at Keith for a moment. The fact that Keith was making was one of happiness, not sadness, and one that had the feeling of support and comfort. It said all the emotions he's been wanting to feel for a week. He never had those with Shiro, and he sure as hell knew that he was gonna get his heartbroken he just didn't know when.

Did it make the heartbreak hurt any less? No. Did it make it easier to understand his feelings towards Lance? Yes, very much actually, and he hopes to do this the right way now.

So maybe it won't end in heartbreak after all...


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