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TW: Angst, blood, profanity, and alcohol use

Quick Note: I am so sorry I haven't written in this book for so long. The picture is on Tumblr by Muffarino. I just thought I'd say that because I love this picture and sort of wish I had artistic skills. Sorry this is so short.



~Keith and Shiro left shortly after Pidge and Lance talked and Lance was starting to feel a little bit better granted he was still hurting and didn't know how to handle it in the best ways. Yeah he has hanahaki and yes he can't do anything about it besides getting the surgery or getting loved back, but those things won't be happening for a while.

Lance may not be able to remember who Shiro is but he will sooner or later. Maybe it will come out in a way that's harmful or maybe it'll just be left in the past.~

Lance POV:

Going through Shiro's Instagram profile I look at each photo and start to feel like I knew him before. But I might've been wrong. As much as I want Keith as my own boyfriend I am in no way going to ruin their relationship. I tap on one specific picture that has...me in it. My eyes go wide and I read the caption. 'Best time I've ever had with you, Lance!' and then he tagged me in the post.

I didn't know what the fuck happened but I knew that it was probably something small and I didn't need to worry about it. I was sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of wine, and looking through my phone as friends were playing in the background. Setting my phone down I look over at my cat and smile. For a few days, the hanahaki hasn't been acting up but I don't think it's gone away because I still feel hurt when I see the two together.

He's happy and loved in that relationship. That's all that should matter, right? Setting down my phone I go back to watching my show and trying to get my mind off of the matter. I swallow as I start to feel tears swell in my eyes when I hear my phone ding and I tap it only to see Keith posted a pic of him and Shiro earlier today. Keith was kissing his cheek while Shiro was smiling brightly.

I could feel the petals of the flower start to come up so I get up quickly and run over to the bathroom. Fuck. Slouching over the toilet I let them fall and cry as they fall out. I let out more tears as I feel like there's something bigger stuck in the back of my throat. I start to cough more and could feel my throat burning and my stomach churning as the food I previously ate before also came up with the petals.

Finally getting the thing that was stuck I look down to see two full flowers on the white tile. It now being red from the blood. My forehead had a thin layer of sweat covering it and my body was once again feeling weaker than ever. It felt like I screamed forever and my throat was gone. I stand up slowly while leaning onto the sink as I splash some cold water on my face. "Fucking hell," I whisper out. My voice was hoarse and almost gone from how much I just coughed.

Walking out of the bathroom I go into the kitchen to get some water to try and wash out the taste in my mouth. The subway tile backwash in the kitchen giving it that bright open feeling. The only lights on being the kitchen light and the light from the TV as ross yells out "We were on a break!". I chuckle weakly at it and set the cup in the sink after I finished the water and go back to the couch.

Laying on the couch I bring the blanket over me and get comfortable as I feel more tired. I guess my love for Keith will have to be unspoken.

Pidge POV:

Texting Lance to see if he was okay I don't get a response which usually means he's asleep, wasted, stoned, or really not wanting to talk to anyone. I take the asleep option and set my phone down as I start to watch my show. Hearing a ding come from my phone I tap on it and see that it's an Instagram notification.

Seeing a picture of Keith and Shiro I frown and shut my phone off before putting it screen down on the armrest of the couch and turning the ringtone. You'd think that he would have some common sense but no the little shit doesn't have any. I sigh before deciding on calling it a night and head up to my room. Turning the TV on I set it on the lowest volume and head into the bathroom to brush and wash my face.

After that, I put on a baggy sweatshirt that went down to my knees and got in bed. Hearing my phone go off I see who it is and realize it was lance face timing me. I swipe and say "Hey," he stayed silent for a few seconds. "Other than feeling like my throat is being shredded to pieces and my head pounding from coughing so much nothing's happening," he responds chuckling lightly.

"Holy shit dude. Your voice sounds like it's gone and you sound like death," I say. "Anyways what's up?" I ask. "Feeling lonely. Did I wake you?" he asks quietly. I shake my head and say "Nope I was just getting ready to huddle up in bed. You can come over if you like. I got nothing to do and no food what so ever in the house," I say smiling a little. "Would that be okay?" he asks again. "Yes. Lance, you're my best friend. If you want to sleep over then sleepover. I'm fine with anything," I reassure him.

"Thanks, Pidge. Oh and before you go I just wanted to say thank you for everything," he says before he hangs up. I chuckle lightly and set my phone back on the nightstand. I walk back into the kitchen and look through a drawer that has coupons in it and find one that's from dominos. Picking it up I walk back to my room and pick up my phone and dial the number. Ordering the pizza with a drink I hang up and wait for the pizza and Lance to arrive.

Hearing the door unlock I hear Lance yell from the front of the apartment. "Hey, I'm here!" I yell back. He walks in with a small bag and hops on the other side of the bed with me. "I ordered some pizza it should be here in about fifteen minutes," I say. "Cool," he tells me. "So you wanna tell me the real reason you wanted to have a sleepover?" I ask him with my brow arched.

"I saw the post and felt lonely," he responds. "Fair enough. I'm not gonna push it out of until you're ready to talk about it," I tell him. He smiles slightly and falls back onto the pillows.

I chuckle and plop down onto my side.

Nobody POV:

As the two laughed and watched there show while eating their favorite pizza and drinking their favorite drink Lance forgets all the problems for a second and lets his heart have a small break fro once. He needed it. Whether he knew it or not.

Fear Love {A Hanahaki Story}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu