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Finally, getting taken out of his mind, he steps over to the door and looks at Keith for a moment. The smile Keith was making was one of happiness, not sadness, and one that had the feeling of support and comfort. It said all the emotions he's been wanting to feel for a week. He never had those with Shiro, and he sure as hell knew that he was gonna get his heartbroken he just didn't know when.

Did it make the heartbreak hurt any less? No. Did it make it easier to understand his feelings towards Lance? Yes, very much actually, and he hopes to do this the right way now.

So maybe it won't end in heartbreak after all...


It's been three months since Keith and Shiro split and Keith couldn't be any more happier than he already is. Well actually he could be happier. Including if Lance says yes to his question that he's going to ask. "Keith you're going to be fine!" Pidge told him. "How do you know!? He could say no! Or-or look at me in disgust! Or-" he get's cut off by a laughing Pidge. "You must be seriously stupid if you think Lance will ever want to miss an opportunity to have dinner with you! Including since you're his freaking crush. Not to mention you're like Lance's first love, dipwit." 

"W-Wait what?" he asked his voice all high and screechy. "I mean he's loved you ever since middle school dude. Like it surprised me at first that you never noticed how he made those goggly eyes at you then it didn't when I noticed how unobservant you were," Pidge said playing away on her Nintendo switch. "Okay you're not helping and you can tell me more after I ask him out on this date," he says plopping onto the bed next to Pidge.

"Do you wanna practice on me so you can ask Lance out perfectly?" Pidge groaned out. Scoffing he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms before saying "No..." Pidge chuckled a little and responded with "That didn't sound so convincing, samuri." They set their switch on Keith's nightstand and sat criss cross apple sauce in front of Keith. "Practice on me. Say how you want to ask Lance out," Pidge told him. "Fine..." he groaned out. "Hey I've been meaning to ask you something," he said sheepishly.

"And what may the be, mullet?" Pidge asked trying to sound like Lance. "I was wondering if don't have to if you don't want to obviously! I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" he said while trying not to curl up in a ball and die. Little did they know Lance was standing outside the door smiling and chuckling to himself as he heard Keith say this to Pidge. "Don't forget to get him some like flowers or something," Pidge told Keith. "What flowers does he like?" Keith asked.

"Red Carnations as well as white roses," Lance said walking into the room. Keith who hadn't processed this completely yet did a double take before jumping slightly and falling off the bed. "And yes. I would love to go on a date with you," he said smiling softly. "Wait really?" he asked surprised. "Yes dummy. I've loved you since forever and have been wanting to ask you out for ages," Lance told him. "SEE I TOLD YOU!" Pidge yelled throwing her arms into the air and walking out of the room.

The other two laughed as they watched them dramatically walk down Keith's stairs. "Did you go to Starbucks without me?" Keith asked staring at Lance intensely. "W-What? No! I dont' know what you're talking about!" Lance yelled out backing up slowly. "Holy shit you went to Starbucks with out me! PIDGE LANCE WENT TO STARBUCKS WITHOUT US!" he yelled to which he heard the sound of something falling on the ground and quick footsteps on the stairs. 'Well shit. I'm screwed' Lance thought to himself.

"Hey in y defense there was a long line and I've been living off of three hours of sleep for the past two days," Lance defended himself. "Also can't forget to mention I got you both chocolate crossiants from your favorite baker." he said pointing to the coffee table. Before he could say another word the two rushed down the stairs. Lance could hear the crinkling of the paper and the hums of satisfactory from his two besties.

"This is why we love you, Lance!" Pidge yelled. "That's nice to know! Where's your left over pizza, mullet?" Lance yelled from upstairs. "In the fridge on the top shelf where the beers and other stuff is!" Keith yelled back. The pitter patter of feet on the stairs was Lance cheerfully walking down them and over to the fridge. "You want a beer?" Lance asked walking into the living room with a full box of pizza and garlic knots as well as cheesy bread. "You do realize that your stomach is going to explode later, right?" Pidge asked him pointing to the many dairy covered products on the coffee table.

"Do I look like I care? It's freaking pizza! It's worth it." he told them. "No I don't want a beer and isn't it like ten in the morning?" Keith said. "Well-" Pidge got cut off "Don't answer that it was a rhetorical question, Pidgeon." Pidge let out a small 'hmpf' and pouted slightly before the door opened to reveal both Allura and Lotor as well as Matt and Hunk. Pidge got all happy and jumped off the couch. "Well hello to you too, Pidgy," Hunk said kissing their forehead. (Yes these two balls of adroablness and sarcasm are a couple) Hunk had been going to the gym as well as trying to eat healthier.

Let's just say he's never felt any more...tired. He's on a freaking Keto diet and is suffering. No sugars or carbs. It's killing the man. No that's just the downside of it. He's feeling more confident as time goes on. "Lance looks happier." Hunk pointed out. Keith and alnce were both shoving their faces with pizza. "That I am, Hunky boy. I got a date with Keith." he said smiling and taking another bite of his pizza slice. "Wait really? You guys can come over to the coffee shop and I can make you guys some food." Hunk offered.

"No that's okay, Hunk. Thank you though. I'm gonna try and cook a meal for us." Keith told him. Lance looked over at him with wide eyes and asked "You cook?!" "Of course I do. I wasn't just going to live on takeout, microwavable ramen, and hotpockets, Lance." he responded. "Good point."

Lance rested his head on Keith's shoulder smiling and humming in content. Keith blushing slightly, chooses to ruffle the cubans hair to which Lance got all soft and cat like. "Awe you're like a cat." keith pointed out. "I do like cats. Can we get a cat?" Lance asked excitedly. "Sure but that can wait until we live together." Keith told him without thinking. "W-We're going to live together in the future?" Lance stutered out. Keith just now realized what he said and sheepishly laughed and responded with "I-I mean only if you want to."

"Of course I do." Lance said smiling softly.


So...I might just actually end this book on a happy note...

You never know. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part and sorry for taking so long to update this book. Love you all! Thank you so much for the amount of support you all have been giving me with this book. It truly means a lot.


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