The Next Day

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Warning: A tiny bit of Angst

Quick note: This takes place the morning after the sleepover.

Lance POV:

I woke to the shinning of the morning sun pealing through the curtain. I felt this weight on my chest and looked down only to see that Keith was on my chest with his arms wrapped around my chest and straddling me. He looks so peaceful. No scowl on his face, no tension in his shoulders, and no anger in his beautiful violet eyes. I could feel that blush creep up on my cheeks and smiled a little. When I looked around the living room there was no one around so I figured they had gone into Pidge's room after I and he fell asleep.

I didn't think much of it partly because I was trying to figure out a way to get Keith off me without waking up. Soon the memories of everything that happened last night flooded through my head as I started to remember things. I smiled to myself and looked down at Keith and chuckled lightly. 'I'm not gonna move' I think to myself. Instead of trying to get Keith off me I just wrapped my arms around Keith's waist and let my eyes close.

I could feel the darkness of slumber take me and didn't refuse. Soon enough I was in a dreamless sleep.

Pidge POV:

My eyes fluttered as I opened them to see the sun up and everyone else besides Keith and Lance in my room. Allura was passed out and curled into a tiny ball cuddling the little stuffie she found. Hunk was awake and on his phone scrolling through insta with his right hand under his head propping it up and his pillow under his head. I chuckled lightly and smiled.

"G' morning," Hunk whispered looking up from his phone. I got up and stretched walking up to go to the kitchen and make coffee. "Morning. You want some coffee?" I asked walking over to the door. He nodded his head threw his phone on the bed. We walked out of the room and looked at the two people that were on my couch. They were snuggling and their hands had somehow managed to find their way together.

I looked at Hunk and he was smiling while leaning on the wall that's next to the hallway. We walked over to the kitchen and I got out the coffee grounds from the cupboard and measured some out. I love the smell of coffee. I poured it into the coffee filter and put some water and closed the lid. Now time to wait. "You want anything for breakfast?" I asked him looking in the pantry. "What do you have?" he asks. "Nothing much. I have cereal and bacon and eggs. I also have some pancake mix. We could make some pancakes with bacon and eggs." I say shrugging.

Hunks face and completely lit up and I smiled. I took out all the ingredients and left them so that Hunk could make them. He's mean in the kitchen and I don't feel like getting kicked out of my own kitchen. I walked over to one of my chairs I had in the living room and picked up the remote as I was sitting down.

I turned the Tv and flicked through some of the channels landing on nickelodeon. The door opened and out came Allura rubbing her right eye. "What's that wonderful smell?" she says in a tired smell. She loves bacon and pancakes so I figured those are the only things I have in my apartment so why not have them for breakfast. "Hunk's makin us some breakfast. You wanna come watch some tv? Also, the coffee is being made." I say looking at the couch.

"You sure there's room on the couch for me?" she asked. I laughed and got up from the chair. I went over to the couch and picked p Lance's legs so that she could sit down. She laughed and walked over and I set his legs on her lap. "Morning to you too Pidgeon," Lance said in a tired voice. "What's that smell? Is Hunk making breakfast?" he asked. I nodded and his whole face lit up. Keith woke up and looked up at Lance no realizing the position they were in. 

"Hunks makin breakfast and the coffee is almost ready," I said. "breakfast's ready!" I hear Hunk yell.

Nobody POV:

Breakfast was ready and everyone was starving. Keith got up and went into the kitchen to get a coffee mug and poured some coffee in setting it on the table so he could get the creamer and sugar. They all got their plates of food and started o dig in only to squeal from how good the food was. Hunk wants to be a professional chef so he's going to culinary school.

Everyone was laughing and smiling as well as talking about what they were going to do. While everyone was talking Lance got up and excused himself so he could go to the bathroom. On his way there he felt this tickle in the back of his throat. he let out a small cough and regretted that quickly. Because now he's coughing a lot. He got to the bathroom and started to cough harder.

Finally, something came out and it was something that Lance wished never happened to him in a thousand years. When he looked down he saw blood in the palm of his hand and two red flower petals...


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