Someone Like You

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Warning: Angst, Mentions of blood, Drug Use, and Alcohol use

~Everyone is of legal age to be drinking and in my story, they live in a state that allows marijuana~


All three were fast asleep and not waking up any time soon. At least not for the next ten hours.

Quick Note: Okay so just gonna say that I do not remember if I brought Shiro into the story or not. If I did please tell me in the comments. But anyways this is the part where Lance is going to be heartbroken. Basically, if you ship Shiro and Keith they're going to be in a relationship now. Shiro got dumped by Matt because he had fallen out of love with him, but they ended up being really good friends after. This chapter is based on Someone Like You by Adele.

Lance POV:

I was walking down the stairs when I heard Hunk and Pidge talking in the kitchen. "Do you think we should tell him?" Pidge asks. "What?! Are you crazy!? Of course, not this would destroy him," I hear Hunk say. I walk down the last few steps and say "Tell me what?" They both panic looking at me with anxious looks.

"Tell me what?" I ask in a more serious voice. Usually when I give them the mom glare as well as the tell-me-what-the-hell-is-going-on-or-you're-going-to-get-it voice then they tell me. "W-Well um," Hunk says but before he could finish I see Keith walking in the door holding hands with someone. Maybe they're just siblings...?

That was until I saw Keith peck him on the lips. "Hey guys I thought you would be out," he says walking over to the kitchen. "Wh-who's this, Keith?" I ask with a crack in my voice. After the crack in my voice, I didn't speak. I didn't trust my voice. I didn't need him to find out that I loved him and that it killed me to see him kiss another person. "He's my boyfriend," he says taking out a water bottle and walking over to Shiro so they can go to the living room. Did I forget to mention that these dipshits seem to forget that this is my house? "O-Oh..." I say "Congratulations then!" I say.

You know that feeling like you have to hold back tears and the moment you do you feel that all too familiar lump in your throat that's begging to break? Or that feeling like the moment you really want to cry you have to look up at the ceiling so they don't fall. It's like this dam that's waiting to break. It's filling up faster then anyone can say the word stop. So you try and get the tears to stop, but the moment you do is the moment that you make the dam crack.

I walk back to my room head hung low and tears begging to fall down my cheeks. At least he's happy, right? I should happy. So then why does it hurt so damn much? I could feel the petals in the back of my throat coming up so I speed walked over to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Uncovering my mouth the moment I get to the toilet I start coughing. Blood rolls down my chin mixing with the saltiness of my tears and saliva.

My lungs were burning and my throat was raw. There was nothing I could do to stop this and I wasn't getting surgery. I can't forget everything that Keith has made me feel whether it be sad, mad, happy, dumb, annoyed, or heartbroken. He's worth the pain and the wait. The coughing stopped for a minute. That was until I thought about Keith.

Then it started again. I looked down and notice I had coughed up two more full flowers. Just means I'm dying faster. I get up weakly and flush the toilet while leaning on the ledge of the counter. Looking myself in the mirror I let a few more tears slip past my eyelashes and turn the water on. Ridding my face of blood, sweat, saliva, and tears. Taking a little cup that we had in the medicine cabinet I pour some mouthwash in it and swig it around for a few seconds to get the taste out of my mouth.

Fear Love {A Hanahaki Story}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora