"Please, don't take her without me, I love her so much. It will kill me if I can't be with her. " she begged as she began to hyperventilate, using her useless strength against him. She couldn't even see properly, her eyes filled with tears. Michael turned around so fast causing her to stumble. He stared at her with complete disdain

"Good," he said and continued to walk away.

Valentina fell to the floor bawling in trembling sobs as Michael and Bria disappeared through the doorway.

There are sixty seconds in one minute and sixty minutes in one hour. She counted every second since Bria left in the ambulance. Sylva had to pick her off the floor and carried her with the aid of Benito to her room. They placed her into her bed and she hugged the pillow and cried. Sylva went into the bathroom and when she returned she gently nudged her shoulder for her to turn to face her.

"Take this," she said and extended her hands to her. One had a little white pill and the other a cup of water, she hesitated and shook her head.

"It's Valium, it will make you feel better." she insisted putting it closer to her face.

"I don't want it!" her throat was still raspy from being choked by Michael but Sylva took her hand and planted the cup in her hand and then placed the Valium in her mouth. Valentina swallowed it while drinking some of the water. It will help she she knew, she could not deal right now and she was sure Michael called her and told her to give her one.

"Has Michael called? Did he say what was going on with Bria?"she asked almost hysterically and Sylva shook her head and scooted her to the middle of the bed. She then joined her pulling Valentina into her arms so that she rested on her bosom.

"Everything is going to be okay," she said as she gently stroked her back,she felt her eyelids begin to feel heavy as the valium began taking its effect on her.

"Bria," she sniffled as she fell into a dreamless sleep.


She awoke hearing Michael mumbling something to Sylva, the place was still dark and she looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. Fifteen minutes past four it read. Both Michael and Sylvia looked at her as soon as they noticed she was awake. She couldn't make out their expression so she dragged herself to the edge of the bed and flick on the light. Gosh, her head was so fuzzy, what the fuck did she give me? She thought

"Is everything all right with Bria?" she asked and Michael turned slightly away and her heart dropped. She started crying and Sylvia came up to her gently brushing her hair.

"She's stable, she's okay," she said carefully but Valentina could tell that wasn't all they were holding something back from her.

"Sylva you can go," Michael said from behind them and she grabbed ahold of Sylva's hands and looked up at her pleading with her eyes so that she wouldn't leave her alone with him. It's okay she mouthed as she gently wiped away a tear that was on her cheek. She then turned to Michael and nodded walking off leaving her alone with just him. Her heart started pounding rapidly as he started walking closer to her. He sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her and she stumble back to the middle of the bed trying to have as much distance between them.

"How is Bria?" she asked Michael gingerly, frightened that she might upset him and he continued to hurt her like in his office. He inhaled deeply and rolled his shoulders, his muscle tightened and she held her breath.

"It was a close one: her asthma attack, the doctor said she went into respiratory failure. Sylva checked in on her just in time or she may have gone into cardiac arrest," he said solemnly he hunched his back and rubbed his temple. Valentina could see every muscle through his fitted shirt tightened as he tried to rub away the stress of having a sick child.

"Thank you for telling me," she muttered and he turned to face her, his eyes dark and his brows furrowed. Valentina wanted to disappear, fold into herself just from his look that ardent stare that told her he hated her.

"You know I held her and stayed by her side until the doctor told me to go home and get some rest and all the while she only wanted you." she saw how his face contorted and the hurt behind his eyes as he said those words.

"There is no bond between her and I. I am as much to her as a stranger and I know she will grow to love me but I want her to love me now as much as she loves and needs you."

He turned again away from Valentina and looked ahead, his body started shaking and he placed his face into his hands. Michael rarely cries and it wasn't loud wails, just silent sobs which she barely made out only because of how his body was shaking.

She did not know what to do, should she go over and comfort him? she thought better of it when he cleared his throat and got up from the bed. His back was still to her.

"What were you doing with the phone, Valentina?" he asked slowly and her heart started thumping in her chest. Thank God in his rage he didn't once look at the phone before he smashed it against the wall. She swallowed hard and her throat felt so dry and throbby.

"I was messaging Lorenzo to tell him, I was okay." she lied he turned to face her and raised his brows, eyeing her with fire in his red-rimmed eyes. He didn't believe her, she could tell by his reaction. He just sighed deeply and stared a little while at the bruise on her cheek and her neck.

"Sylva is packing up some Bria's things and I would be taking it to her," he said as he turned to leave the room

"Can I see her? I need to see her, Michael. She's asking for me." she asked her voice pleading and he stopped mid-step.

"I don't want you anywhere near her," he said and she started crying loudly, losing all fear of him being violent with her. Valentina picked up a pillow and threw it off the bed, he just stood there with an amused look on his face.

"It hurts, doesn't it? I want you to hurt, Valentina just how you made me feel seeing you on the camera going in my office. You tried to use me." he spat and she screamed louder, as big ugly tears rolled from her eyes. He just looked on like a parent watching a child throw a tratrum.

"I get Sylva to give you another pill to calm you down. I really can't stand seeing you cry."

"No," she said

"Why not?" he asked as if she was challenging him.

"It will hurt the baby,"

"What baby?" Michael asked walking closer to her bed with a quizzical look on his face.

"I'm pregnant," she confessed and he started laughing an almost maniacally laugh that made a shiver run up her spine. He leaped forward grabbing her by her hand pulling her off the bed to him. Valentina let out a little squeal at his roughness, her feet barely managing to hold her up. He held her by her jaw, his finger thrumming along it, and she swore he looked like the joker with that insane look in his eyes.

"I would not think you are the kind of person who will lie about being pregnant, Valentina," he said.

Ranni 🦋

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