Chapter 8

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Valentina awoke in darkness, her head was still disorientated as she tried getting up squinting her eyes to try and see what was around her, she was on a bed that was a fact.

She got up slowly sitting on the edge of the bed as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. This room looked familiar. It was bathed in white , on the wall there was some painting that offered some color to the room. She recognized these paintings as soon as her head stopped spinning.

It was her room!

Well, the room Valentina and Micheal shared when they were married. It looked exactly the same as when she left it five years ago. She flicked the light above the nightstand and the room was illuminated.
Valentina squinted her eyes at the bright light, everything was the same as she left it.
Is this some kind of shrine? The book she was reading was still on the dresser.

She got up and walked into her closet. All her clothes that were in the suitcase in the hideaway home were there, neatly handed up as if she was alive or somehow coming back to him.
It smelt the same, she was beginning to feel queasy again. The image of Nate's head exploding filled her mind and she rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the sink. She looked at her reflection for the first time since she returned home. Her eyes were puffy and red and her nose had bruises on it from all the sniffing and her constant wiping. Her hand had a dark red bruise from Micheal tugging her along; it didn't hurt though all she felt was numb.

Where was Micheal she thought and where was Bria most all? She knew she was safe but she was probably wondering where her mommy was. She couldn't let her see her like this, she looked at her clothes, they were soiled and there was some splatter of Nate's blood on them.

Nate, her mind went back to his battered face, her heart started hurting again and that queasy feeling came back. Nate was dead, she killed him, she killed the man who protected her for years.

Valentina needed to get clean these fucking clothes reeks. Taking them off her body she threw them to the side. She stood naked and started screaming at the top of her lungs.

Where was Michael, why was she still alive, how could she possibly live with the fact that she killed Nate, she cried.

It was too much struggling to breathe and crippled with anxiety, she made her way to the bathtub stepping into the white tub with gold trimming. She sat in it and opened the faucet watching the warm tub filled up with water which was scorching hot, the stream floated up into the air as she watched on. She felt like a zombie as her limbs moved slowly. She grabbed the vanilla-scented bubble bath and threw some into the water much too angrily. Watching as the water turned foamy and the room filled with its fragrance.
When the water was high enough that her body wasn't visible, she closed the faucet and she laid back into the bathtub and tears started rolling down her cheeks again. Her sobs echoed through the bathroom and the room was beginning to spin again. She couldn't breathe for the life of her as she faded into oblivion again.

She could feel someone was watching her as she slowly opened her eyes. Michael was above her and she thought if she had not woken up he might have stared at her forever. She blinked and a smile spread across his face. She felt like she was expanding and each new space in her was beginning to be filled with anger.

"Valentina, you shouldn't fall asleep in the bathtub." He said amused, shaking his head at her.

"What if you drown?" He asked her as she tried to conceal her nakedness from him even though the bubbles from the body wash had already formed a frothy blanket over her.

Michael had changed from his shirt and pants he was now wearing a black wife beater and black pajama pants. His wavy hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

My Mafia  Baby Daddy✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora