Chapter 1

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"Alex, wake up. We have to leave now!" I heard my dad say as he shook my arms to wake me up.

"Why, Dad? Aren't we supposed to camp here for a whole week, just like you promised?" I mumbled, my words slurred with sleep.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. There's no time to explain, but we have to leave, Alex."

Blinking open one eye, I struggled to comprehend the urgency of the situation. My dad's face had turned as pale as a snowman, starkly contrasting his usually warm complexion. His brown hair was as messy as an untrimmed bush. Without wasting another moment, I stumbled out of the tent, my senses heightened with concern. There, I found my mom frantically fastening my little brother's jacket, tears streaming down her face.

"Now is not the time to be scared, Alex. Come help me pack our things in the car."

"What's happening? Can someone please explain?" I yelled, my anxiety growing with each passing moment.

"Here, honey, take your brother and go wash your face. I'll help your dad," my mom said, her voice strained with worry, as she handed me my brother's tiny hand.

Gripping Max's hand tightly, we hurried towards the nearby lake, seeking solace in washing our faces. Max caught a glimpse of our reflections as we reached the water's edge, and his innocent excitement filled the air.

"Alex! Look! We look alike! We both have curly brown hair, brown eyes, and even tanned skin," Max exclaimed cheerfully, oblivious to the growing tension around us.

I glanced at my 5-year-old brother, his reflection mirroring my features. He was growing up, resembling me more with each passing day. "Yes, Max," I replied, my voice tinged with affection and concern as I tried my best to conceal the mounting anxiety within me.

*Beep beep* The car horn honked, and my dad called for us to get in the car quickly. We ran towards the car, and I opened the door for Max to get in, following right after.

"Are we leaving the tents?" I looked back, my gaze fixed on the campsite, as the car started moving, leaving behind our temporary shelter.

"Yes, honey. We'll explain everything when we get home. For now, just relax. Everything will be okay. Here, have something to eat," my mom said, handing me a peanut butter protein bar.

I unwrapped the protein bar and took a bite. I overheard my dad making urgent phone calls to his friends, their voices carrying the weight of an impending crisis. The knot in my stomach tightened with each passing second. What could be wrong? The growing anxiety threatened to consume me. I reached for my phone in my pocket, texting my boyfriend in search of reassurance.

"Hey, babe. We're coming home," I texted, my fingers trembling with a mix of worry and anticipation.

"Yeah, I know. Your mom texted me and told me to come over," Steve replied.

"Wait, did she say why?" I asked, my anxiety growing with each passing moment.

"She only said that you guys are coming back early, and I should come over. Is everything okay, though?" Steve's words carried a hint of seriousness, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"I don't know, Steve. My parents are acting super weird, especially my dad. They woke us up in a hurry and said we have to leave," I confided to him.

"That's suspicious. I'm worried about you. Stay safe, Alex. I'm at the grocery store now, and I'll be there as soon as I can. Do you want me to get snacks?" Steve responded.

"Yeah, bring snacks, but don't be late. I have a feeling things are about to get complicated," I texted, my words reflecting the need for support.

"I'll be there soon, Alex. We'll face whatever comes our way, together," Steve assured me.

With a sigh, I put on my AirPods, closed my eyes, and allowed fatigue to overcome me as I drifted off to sleep.

I was awakened by a tap on my leg, my mom gently rousing me from my nap.

"Wake up, Alex. We've arrived."

As we pulled into the familiar driveway, a scene of disturbance greeted my eyes. A large group of people had gathered in front of our house, their worried expressions mirroring the unease within me. Among the crowd, I spotted familiar faces, friends of my dad, and their families. Steve stood beside Cindy, my closest friend, both sharing the same worried gaze. The intensity of the situation started to seep into my bones, and a knot of fear tightened within me.

"What's happening?" I desperately sought answers from my parents, my voice trembling with fear and anticipation.

"You have 10 minutes to pack everything you need. Ten minutes, not a minute more!" my dad exclaimed, rushing out of the car.

"Come on, let's go, fast, fast, fast!" my mom said, her voice filled with urgency.

I ran into the house with Max and my mom. She headed straight to Max's room while I went to mine. Panic and confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding before me. During my frantic packing, Steve and Cindy burst into my room, both helping to shove my stuff into a backpack, but I still couldn't grasp what was happening.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked, desperately hoping someone would provide me with an answer.

"Your dad hasn't told you?" Cindy replied, her voice filled with sympathy and disbelief, as she stuffed my clothes into the backpack.

"Told me what?" I asked. Before anyone could respond, a roaring explosion shattered the air, followed by the sounds of terrified screams.


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