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She gave a small sigh as she pulled away from the window, slumping further into the seat in an empty carriage, on her own for the first time in eleven years. Stella sat comfortably in her lap, ready to drift to sleep. A lock of her jet black hair fell forward, blocking her sight and she tucked it behind her ear, huffing.

Gene got her black hair from her mother, only aware of the fact from the few pictures she had seen around the flat. Her skin was always a golden brown and especially in the summer. That had come from her mother's side too. In the pictures that were dotted around the flat, you would always find a bronzed glow at her cheeks, making her smile dazzle.

Her mother had bright eyes, though. Close to a greyish blue, Gene guessed. Aurelia told her the same, more or less. They were the opposite of Gene's eyes. Hers were a sort of deep hazel, almost green colour and she actually liked them a lot. Gene reckoned she got her eyes from her father.

But Gene never knew her parents.

Her mother died when she was a baby, barely a year old, so she didn't exactly remember what she looked like. But Aurelia assured Gene time after time that she was the spitting image of her mother, Ophelia Fiordalis.

Ophelia had been a Slytherin, attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry herself. Aurelia was her younger sister by only a year. They were both blessed to be witches with Gene's grandmother, Cordelia Fiordalis (née Durand), being a witch herself. She married Thomas Fiordalis, a wizard of the infamous Fiordalis family, though he had passed on many years ago. Cordelia had been engaged to another, (rumours say it was none other than Abraxas Malfoy), but she was hardly one to follow the rules. It seemed to run in the family.

Aurelia took Gene in when she was 20 years old, having only recently just graduated from Hogwarts, when the devastating news of her older sister had reached the family, and the rest of the Wizarding world. Those around her had warned her against it. She was only 20 after all, she was much too young to take care of a baby, let alone herself. But Aurelia didn't care.

The death of her mother was a difficult story for Gene to think about. It still felt a bit sore if she thought too hard over it. And she thought hard over it always, frustrated constantly by the fact that the truth about her mother had been kept from her all her life. It had barely been a month since she discovered what had really happened to her mother, and she didn't think she'd ever forget the day.



She heard her grandmothers voice echo through the small flat, though it was home to Gene. They lived in London, a big city in which they had a little flat, in a building full of Muggle's. It was Aurelia's idea to raise Gene in London, much to Cordelia's dismay. But Gene's neighbours were kind, and she enjoyed living where she did, though she often found herself missing her grandmother's magic tricks whenever she came by, even if it wasn't often.

Her grandmother was a severe woman at times, though it was rare whenever she set eyes on Gene. To Cordelia, Gene was the sun itself. There was truly nothing that could make her happier, make her prouder, than her family. Aside from, of course, Aurelia and Gene coming home.

But Aurelia was adamant on staying in London, raising Gene in a Muggle environment, despite Cordelia's requests to live with them, back in Godric's Hollow. Gene didn't know why Aurelia always changed the subject whenever it came about, and she also didn't know that she would find out by the end of that night.

THE REVELATION | RON WEASLEY [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now