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"Aure!" Gene's voice bellowed through the small flat, nearly making the picture frames on the mantelpiece shake. "For the fifteenth bloody time, we're running late!" she called down the corridor.

Gene stood by the front door, her trunk and Stella at her feet, arms crossed over her chest, as she watched her aunt run from one room to the next in a panic.

"I'm coming, you incessant little-"

Gene rolled her eyes, tuning out as she checked the clock that sat in the kitchen, her foot tapping impatiently just as Aurelia rushed over, finally ready. Gene lifted an eyebrow at Aurelia who smiled, giving a quick nod and they were soon on their way to Diagon Alley.

"I don't understand why it took you so long. I'm the one who's leaving." Gene commented, earning her a nudge in the side.

"What if I happen to run into a dashing young man? I've got to look my best, you know." Aurelia returned, frowning as Gene laughed at this. "You're laughing now, but just wait until you turn 30 and you're stuck with a mouthy little witch or wizard to keep you company." she narrowed her eyes at Gene playfully.

Gene only laughed harder at this, her head falling back as they walked along Charing Cross Road, before she set eyes on The Leaky Cauldron in the distance. She began to run, completely forgetting about Aurelia and Stella for that matter, and she made it to the doorstep after a few moments.

Once she stood at the old oak door, she felt an overwhelming sense of fear suddenly, glancing over her shoulder, ignoring the feeling that she was being watched. Stella meowed behind her, only making her flinch again. Then, footsteps and wheels rattling against cobbled stone followed, along with panting.

"Why the hell are you running so fast?" Aurelia gasped, leaning her arm against the bricked wall. Gene rolled her eyes, pushing the door open for her aunt to go through first and she did, but not without making a great fuss of it. "Go on. I'll get your things, bug." she said, a grin making its way to Gene's face.

She entered, her smile somehow widening as she set eyes on Harry, Ron and Hermione and a new addition of ginger to the table, though it wasn't a Weasley.

"Who's this?" Gene asked, bringing Hermione into a great hug before stroking the enormous ginger cat snuggled in her arms.

"The devil in disguise." she heard Ron mutter under his breath, and Gene glanced at him as he began to cradle Scabbers closer to his chest.

"Poor Crookshanks," Hermione said, as Gene scratched the top of his head and he purred in response, "That witch said he'd been in there for ages because no one wanted him."

"I wonder why." Ron remarked and Gene rolled her eyes with a smile before turning to Harry.

"Hello, Harry." she pulled him into a close hug, and he returned it just as warmly.

"Gene." he said her name gently.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Harry said, confused.

"Well, Aurelia told me what happened." she said, wincing and his face transformed into one of realisation while Ron stifled a laugh, "I know I shouldn't say this, but she probably deserved it." Gene said in a hushed voice, earning her a stern look from Hermione.

Harry only smiled, his hand squeezing Gene's once more as the door to The Leaky Cauldron burst open, the Weasley's entering, hands laden with several bags of shopping from Diagon Alley, just as Aurelia brought a tray of butterbeer over, smiling as she caught Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's eyes.

THE REVELATION | RON WEASLEY [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now