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"Everything okay?" Aurelia asked, once Gene had managed to haul her trunk out of the Leaky Cauldron, finding two cars waiting for them. Gene only nodded, though it was easily discredited. "We should get going. Fred and George haven't blinked in three minutes. It's creeping me out."

Gene breathed a laugh at this, glancing over to find the twins staring at her aunt, and she rolled her eyes. As Gene climbed into the backseat, between Hermione and Aurelia, she couldn't help but glance back at the poster of Sirius Black pasted on the brick wall once final time.

Soon enough, the group had arrived at Kings Cross Station and Aurelia and Mr and Mrs. Weasley joined the eight children at platform nine and three-quarters, waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive with minutes to spare.

They had found an empty looking carriage near the very end of the train and began to load their trunks and belongings, including Stella, Hedwig and Crookshanks, before the adults went to say their goodbyes.

Mrs. Weasley kissed each and every one of them, Gene included before rushing toward Aurelia, speaking in a hushed voice further along the platform. Aurelia waved them off from the distance, though a terrible frown was written across her face as she did so. After what she heard last night, she realised that might have been why.

"Harry," Mr Weasley said, "Gene, come over here a moment." he had jerked his head toward a large pillar on the platform and they followed him without question. "There's something I've got to tell you before you leave-"

"It's all right, Mr Weasley," Gene said, already predicting what it might have been, "We know." and before he could wonder why, Harry spoke in turn.

"We heard you and Mrs Weasley talking last night." he said, "Sorry." he added with a wince just as they heard Mrs. Weasley calling their names, the whistle of the train as it prepared to head off.

"Both of you, swear to me you won't go looking for Black."

Mr. Weasley said in a rush.

"What?" Gene said, baffled.

"Promise me, both of you," Mr. Weasley repeated, "that whatever happens, whatever you might hear-"

"Mr. Weasley, why would we want to go looking for someone who wants to kill us?" Harry asked, and soon, they were ushered onto the train without a further word, watching as Mr. Weasley gloomily waved them off, and the train soon departed the platform.

When they had made it to their compartment, they found a man in ragged clothes slumped against the window, fast asleep. At least that's what Ron had hoped he was. Just asleep. His face was extremely pale and it was evident he was exhausted, even with his eyes shut, bags prominent under them.

Quietly, they settled into their seats with Gene sat next to Ron, opposite Harry and Hermione next to him, as far away from the man as possible so as not to disturb him.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron muttered as he eyed the man warily.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione returned in a whisper and Ron's eyes widened.

"You know everything. How is it she knows everything?" Ron was flabbergasted and Gene snorted.

"It's on his case." Hermione rolled her eyes, pointing at the battered case with peeling letters indeed spelling out 'Professor R.J. Lupin.'

Then, Gene and Harry went on to tell Ron and Hermione everything that they had heard from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. From Sirius Black being after them, or at least only Harry, to the Dementors, because what kind of best friends would they have been if they didn't tell each other everything.

THE REVELATION | RON WEASLEY [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now