Chapter 6

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Nia's POV

"How could you let that happen Nia?!" My mom half whispered half screamed so nobody could hear us at the grocery store. I had just told her about what Abby said tome when I walked inside, soaked. I'd tried to butter up my mom happy by saying I'd go shopping with her because I HATE grocery shopping and she sure knows that! So here we are, at the grocery store, my mom yelling at me.

"But mooooom, I didn't want to get sick! So then I woudn't be able to compete and Abby will kick me off without giving me a chance!" I whined to my mom.

"She would've just moved the competition date to a different day! Now Nia, you don't have a chance at all!" My moms told me.

"But, but, but! I didn't know that before! I mean it won't be that bad! I just have to practice at home!" I I HATE grocery shopping and she sure knows that! So here we are, at the grocery store, my mom yelling at me.

"But mooooom, I didn't want to get sick! So then I woudn't be able to compete and Abby will kick me off without giving me a chance!" I whined to mymom.

"She would've just moved the competition date to a different day! Now Nia, you don't have a chance at all!" My moms colded me.

"But, but, but! I didn't know that before! I mean it

won't be that bad! I just have to practice at home!" I stuttered.

"Oh please, Nia! You don't even know the name of the CD you're using! You might as well just dance to no music at all!" Mymomexclaimed.

"Nu-uh! Seriouslymom!"

"Okay, we'll see Nia. I'll email Abby. Don't get you're hopes up. She probably won't respond, she's so mad." Mymomsaid slowly.

"Oh thanks mom! No worries I know she will respond! She'll want to see me dance." I said surely.

"Oh okay Nia, we'll see about that."

Okkk,so I


"Oh please, Nia! You don't even know the name of the CD you're using! You might as well just dance to no music at all!" My mom exclaimed.

"Nu-uh! Seriously mom!"

"Okay, we'll see Nia. I'll email Abby. Don't get you're hopes up. She probably won't respond, she's so mad." My mom said slowly.

"Oh thanks mom! No worries I know she will respond! She'll want to see me dance." I said surely.

"Oh okay Nia, we'll see about that."

End of New Girl chapter 6!Okkk,so i notice i'm like doing sooo bad on writin this thoughts? Please ice i'm like doing sooo bad on writin this thoughts? Please comment. Thanks!

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