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Today was the actual day, NO EXCUSES AND NO INTERUPTIONS. Olivia was so happy it was finally actually happening! Elliot was the happiest man ever. If you fight for what you want. you can definatly get it and that's exactly what he did. He fought for Olivia. 



I'm finally happy. Im getting what I've always wanted getting the man I've always wanted for 12 years. Endless love. It's almost time to walk down the aisle to see the man I love on that stand, and I'm ready to say I do. Could this really be forever?



It's crazy how this is actually happening, I'm definantly the luckiest man alive to marry the most beautiful woman..most of all the woman of my dream, the woman I fell in love with in 1999. 12 years of partnership that is now leading to something so much more. MARRAIGE!! Soon the words 'I DO' will finally slip out! NO INTERUPTIONS AND NO EXCUSES! What could possibly go wrong? 



Well, I guess it's time to let Olivia go and just be happy for her I mean she does love Elliot, maybe she likes extrodinary devestaing love. But that's her, I will always have love for her even if I can't have her to myself. but then again love is not enough and the road gets tough. They're are other woman in the world but not like an Olivia Benson.

Olivia puts on her beautiful white gown and white pumps with a touch of glitter. She was ready to spend her life with Elliot. She had a woman fix her up and look beautiful. After she was done she glanced in the mirror and said 'I do'. 

Elliot was in his dressing room with Fin and Munch practicing his vows he was ready he had already memorized them and just wanted the time to go by faster. 

'This is really happening, I'm so happy for you both.' Fin says happily.

"yeah, El it's about damn time!' Munch says sassily. Elliot chuckled. "Thanks guys, Im really happy and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her."

Everything was so beautiful. The flowers were white the senery was like beautiful clouds floating above. Elliot was down at the alter waiting for Olivia to walk down the aisle. Fin and Munch were the two best mans of the wedding. On the right were Alex and Casey as the brides maids.


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Olivia says loudly trying to put her veil on. As she turned around it was Lewis, She had a blank stare for a while and was scared. She was gonna call for help but if she yelled, who knows what Lewis would do.

"Well..Well Olivia Benson getting ready for her own happy for you." Lewis said looking up and down at Olivia.

"'re welcome to join.." she said scared. As she turned around trying not to cry.

Lewis laughed " convicted me of the wrong crime.." he stated.

Olivia tried to get past Lewis but Lewis grabbed her and Olivia tried to break free but the dress was too long and couldn't break free. Lewis knocked her out and duck taped her mouth leaving Liv's shoe near the door and her veil on the floor.


It's been like 30 minutes she should have been here already" Elliot said worried."I'm gonna go check on her come with me Fin and Munch." Elliot added.

As they got there to the room the door was wide open, they called out for her and searched everywhere. They went back to the room seeing the shoe and the veil on the ground and Elliot automatically suspected it was a kidnap because why would Liv leave a missing shoe and a veil.

Elliot went back to the wedding groups and saw Nick.

"Okay, you piece of shit where the fuck is she?!" Elliot said yelling at Nick.

"What are you talking about?" Nick said back with a face.

"You took her where is she?!" he yelled even louder.

"I didn't do anything I've let her go" He stated back. Elliot let him go by shoving him.

Elliot ran everywhere and couldn't find her and dropped to his knees.

"No exucses or interuptions" he said crying as he chuckeled." I just wanna be with her why is that so fucking hard to ask for?"

Elliot got up off his knees and started a search..He wasn't about to give up on the woman he loved.

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