One Hell of a Woman

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You are one hell of a woman
Before you took me physically
You opened me wider than a window in the spring time
You opened me like a gift on Christmas morning
You opened me like a good book laid upon your night stand
You opened me like the door to narnia
And you took a peek into my nature
You took a glimpse at my inner workings and the time to figure me out
And now
my passion is your undeniable foreplay
my ambition had it's way with you
And my optimism makes your inner thighs wet
You're weak to your knees every time you think of my determination
And you orgasm to thought of my creativity
Woman, only The Lord knows me better than you
Intimate conversations
Turn to intimate demonstrations
And You tell me my intellect is sexy
That my articulation drives you to masturbation
And my opinions on the world around me
Makes you think about fornicating
See what we have is more than physical
But every time we converse
Your mind gets perverse
And you lust
You lust after me
You lust for what I am made of
You lust not for what you see
But who I am inside
And when we make love
I am bear
Stripped down to my naked soul because you see me
You, see me
You know me
You knowme like a book you've read cover to cover 500 times
You know me like a hook of a song over played on the radio
You study me like a foreign language
And some how never needed a translation
You just get me
You see the spark in my eye when I talk about my passions
You hear the passion in my voice whenever I speak
You taste the sweat of my determination when you kiss me on the cheek
And you feel my joy when I've reached accomplishments peak
One hell of a woman
You are one hell of a woman
You push me up when the world has weighed me down
From the waves of depression
You're there to pull me back
Before I drown
You love me
And you love me well
You loved me before you took my body
You knew my soul
You knew my heart
You know my body
One hell of a woman
When I meet you
I will see a fire ignite in you
And you'll ignite one within me
our intimate conversations
Our engrossing debates
Imparting knowledge, opinions, faith, hope, wisdom, and love
Through words and actions
We will share our souls and heal one another's
And when we make love
I will feel every molecule of my being merge into yours
Once broken, once incomplete, Once two
Is now , new, is now whole, is now one
One woman
My woman
You will be
You are
One hell of a woman to me

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