nineteen - farewell

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chapter xix.

❝Take care of each other, both of you

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

❝Take care of each other, both of you. And come back to us!❞

la push, washington
june 24, 2007 - june 25, 2007

BREAKFAST WITH the pack was always one to look forward to for both Liam and Josiah; it was humorous to watch them devour the food like a literal pack of wolves. Every time the two soldiers found themselves struggling making it to the table and getting their, amazing, food made by Emily.

It was the day before Josiah and Liam were to depart and leave to go back to Afghanistan. No one was really looking forward to it. And tonight the pack would be throwing a farewell party for both soldiers.

"I'm going to miss you guys." The laughing stopped and everyone turned serious.

"Way to ruin the mood Seth."

"Seriously Seth."

"Come on!"

Not wanting a fight to break out between the boys Liam spoke up, "Guys stop. It had to come up eventually," the pack stopped glaring at Seth, "You can't just tread lightly and avoid the idea that Jay and I will be leaving tomorrow."

"But," Josiah started before the atmosphere in the room turned any more depressing, "We will make sure to call and skype every week to see how everyone is doing; we'll be back before you guys know it, okay?"

Josiah felt Leah's warm hand give his hand a small squeeze making him look over at her and send her a smile. Everyone went back to finishing their breakfast and joking around. After the food was all gone from the table, Sam and Emily decided to clean up which allowed the rest of the pack to head out to the beach. His brother and Liam followed the rest of the pack while he and Leah walked in the other direction, wanting to spend alone time together.

Deciding to walk around La Push to waste time until the bonfire, Josiah wrapped his arm around Leah's shoulder's and made their way out of Sam's house. Light conversation was held between the imprints as they continued to walk around the damp forest, due to having rain the night before.

"How long did you say you were going to be gone for?" Leah whispered, tightening her hold around his waist.

Josiah pulled Leah closer to his side, "Only nine months."

"Nine months..." Leah muttered under her breath.

"Hey," Josiah stopped walking and grabbed Leah's face, "the nine months will go in a blink of an eye. I'll be home before you know it."

Leah forced a smile on her face, "Of course," she pulled away from his hold and went back to walking along the forest, "We should head back to Sam and Emily's to prepare for the bonfire."

Salute {Leah Clearwater}⁴जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें