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❝ I love you, Leah Clearwater

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❝ I love you, Leah Clearwater. ❞
❝ And I love you, Josiah Lahote. ❞

la push, washington
october 30, 2008

WAKING UP to a dog's tongue slobbering your face was a way to get a person out of bed. And it was exactly what Ollie managed to do after Josiah began stirring in his sleep and pushing his dog's snout away from his face.

"Okay, okay," Josiah cracked his eyes open to glare at his dog, "I'm up."

Satisfied, Ollie jumped down from the bed and made his way back outside the room to the kitchen. Sighing, Josiah sat up in his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Swinging his leg over to the side, he grabbed his prosthetic and put it in place before getting up. Walking out and straight to the bathroom, Josiah took a quick shower. He made sure to wash his face and teeth before stepping back into his room to change into some new clothes for the day.

After being done, the soldier walked to the kitchen where his mother was making some blueberry pancakes, his favorite, and his brother inhaling five pancakes at a time on the dining table. "Morning," Josiah greeted his family, sitting himself down next to his brother.

"Mowing..." Paul attempted to greet his brother with his mouth full; Josiah making a face of disgust.

"Good morning," Mary took a second to send her son a smile before turning back around to make him a batch of pancakes.

Eating with his family made Josiah feel a sense of bliss from not having to worry about leaving them again or not coming back at all. The past two months had been amazing. Having all the time in the world to spend time with his mother, his brother, the pack, and, most importantly, Leah. Everyone in the tribe was extremely shocked upon seeing him after he had spent almost the whole day in Leah's arms.

However, Liam was not spared the wrath that Leah sent his way after finding out that he knew and didn't call home to let her or Mary or Paul know about Josiah. His friend came to his rescue and explained the situation he was in and all the things they both had to do regarding his case. And speaking of the case; Josiah managed to win the argument. The military gave a public apology to the families of all the lives that were lost and gave Josiah and Samuel compensation for everything they went through while they were considered dead.

Major General Strand and General Evans were relieved from their positions and were paying the consequences for the mission gone wrong by doing everything they could for the families of the lost soldiers.

"Thanks for the breakfast momma," Josiah placed his plate and utensils in the sink, washing them and putting them in the rack to dry, "I'm going to Leah's."

"And I'm going over to Sam's."

"Alright," Mary sipped on her cup of tea, "You boys be safe and I'll see you later this afternoon."

"Love you." Josiah gave his mother a peck on the cheek before walking out of the house.

On his walk to the Clearwater household, Josiah Lahote couldn't stop smiling. His life was more than perfect right now and he couldn't ask for anything more. Knocking on the door, the ex-soldier waited patiently for someone in the residency to answer it. Not even ten seconds later, the door was swung open and the face of Leah Clearwater filled his vision. Her smile was bright and contagious, making it impossible to not smile in her presence.

"Hey," Leah said, not taking her eyes off her imprint.

"Good morning." Pulling her into a soft kiss, Josiah greeted his girlfriend with the same enthusiasm she was giving off.

Pulling away, barely inches apart, Leah muttered against his lips, "Let's get going."

Laying on his back with Leah under his arm and staring up at the night sky, Josiah's night couldn't be more peaceful. Around him, the pack chatted among themselves with their imprints and the bonfire on the sandy beach providing some heat for those without a supernatural heater inside them.

Leah lifted herself slightly, placing her chin on her imprint's chest, staring up at him gleefully, "What are you thinking about?"

Without looking at her, he brought his hand to caress her back, "How grateful I am to be here. With you. With everyone."

They fell back into a comfortable silence, only the occasional chatter from the rest of the pack from a couple of feet away from them could be heard. Looking down at the beautiful woman under his arm, Josiah could only stare in awe. He never would have thought that he would find himself in such a situation. And he would not trade it for a thing.

"I love you, Leah Clearwater."

"And I love you, Josiah Lahote."

The dark-eyed female stared up the light-eyed male, each with a soft yearning smile. Eyes twinkling under the starry night with warm light from the fire reflecting on their faces. Nothing could be better than this.

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