three - rachel

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chapter iii.

❝ It was really nice to meet you, Rachel ❞

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❝ It was really nice to meet you, Rachel ❞

la push, washington
june 4, 2007
(one week later)

A WEEK passed since Josiah had been over at Sam and Emily's house. And six days since he went over to apologize to Emily for his behavior the night of his panic attack. She told him it wasn't his fault and he was grateful that she didn't question his attack. Sam also made Brady apologize to Josiah for asking what he did which the soldier forgave him for without a second thought ― he was just a kid.

During that week Josiah was able to spend more time with his mother along with Ollie. The eldest Lahote took the small pup on walks to the La Push beach. As well as talking to Liam over the phone.

Over the course of seven days, Josiah Lahote began to notice how little he saw of his brother Paul. Paul Lahote left early in the mornings and came home close to midnight, each night. Because of that the young soldier spent no time with his little brother over that week.

Josiah sat on the front porch watching Ollie run around barking at nothing ― deep in thought. The soldier was trying to think of any reason why Paul would leave all day. Frustration rose deep within Josiah's chest. He did not understand why Paul suddenly stopped talking to him or hanging out with him ever since that night at Emily and Sam's place.

Letting out a soft sigh through his nose, Josiah stood up and walked back inside the small house ― Ollie right on his heels. Walking inside the kitchen he pulled out a water bottle from the fridge and took a sip.

Maybe I should just ask him, Josiah thought.

Wind whistled and sticks snapped as Josiah walked through the forest. After finding out that his brother likes to hang out at the Black family household due to his girlfriends being in town for a couple weeks, the eldest Lahote found himself walking in the direction his mother pointed him to. Making his way through the forest Josiah began to think of what to say to his brother; he didn't want to argue with him.

After a couple minutes of walking, Josiah finally saw the small, reddish house in the distance. Taking a deep breath Josiah walked to the front door and knocked softly. The door opened to reveal a girl with long dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and tan skin.

"Hello," the girl looked at Josiah with confusion in her eyes, "can I help you?"

"Is Paul here?" Josiah asked.

"Oh, no he hasn't been over in a couple of days," the girl answered.

Josiah nodded looking down at his boots for a split second, "You must be Josiah, right?" Josiah looked back up at the girl.

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