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Dear Armin,

I'm terrified to start school again. What if everyone starts to bully me even more, what will I do? I can't tell teachers at school, it will surely make it worst. And I can't tell my parents because they've already got enough problems as it is.

Nearly every night my Dad stays out late with no reason, and when he comes home the fights happen. Him and Mum scream at each other and Mum blames him for her new drinking problem. She says she does it because she wants to forget life and my Dad's mistakes, but why aren't I enough for her? I always comfort her-always. Even after Dad cheated on her I was there, telling her how amazing she was. Why can't I be enough to make her stop?

I've always been the voice of reason but yet they chose to listen to my rarely present sister. Yesterday when she finally decided to come home (she pratically lives with her friends ), she suggested that Mum and Dad take a holiday.

"You've always wanted to see the world! So why not now?" She said.

"Emily, a holiday is not going to fix their marriage" I replied.

But no one listened.

"It will be great! You just need to forget everything" she told them.

"Emily, they can't just run away from their problems, it will still be here when they get back"

But no one listened.

"Well I do need a break" my mum had told her.

"What about me? Sarah is never here, I'll be here alone!" I told them.

But no one listened.

"Everything will be taken care of I promise!" Emily reassured them.

"Maybe two weeks won't hurt" my Dad said, finally giving in.

"But-" I started, but no one listened. Its like I'm invisible and that's how things always happen. Sarah continued to convince them and now they're going away next week. How can they just suddenly decide to go?

I guess I'm being selfish, I should let them have a break. Surely nothing bad will happen, people travel all the time. And plus, I deserve to be alone anyway. Nobody needs me. By time you read this, maybe your family will start listening to you. And you won't be in school anymore, so you dont have to worry about bullies, lucky you.

From, past Armin.


First chapter! It will get better soon I promise, and Eren will come into the story soon :")

Poor Armin, no one listens to him :(

So what do you think of his parents taking a holiday? Surely nothing bad will happen..?

Comment and let me know if you would like to read the next chapter, and what you would like to see later in the story ^.^ ~

Dear Armin {Eremin AU}Where stories live. Discover now