Chapter 1

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Leon's POV

(Y/n) was leaning her head on my shoulder and I moved my other hand around her waist to make sure that she doesn't fall off, but I held her tight to me, while I was looking at the window and we are somewhere in a forest area that looks creepy, but I didn't mind, but one thing on my mind was (y/n) was sleeping on my shoulder and of course she is still using the same outfit from our first mission that we had, but it was sad that Krauser dead and we can't believe it that it's been two years since his death, I started talking in my head, 'we received special training via a secret organization working under the direct control of the president. We were to assume the responsibility of protecting the new president's family.' I was thinking in my head but I noticed the two cops were talking to each other, "Why am I the one who always gets the short end of the stick?" One of the cops said to the other one, then the other cop started talking to me and (y/n) but (y/n) was still sleeping on my shoulder, "Yo, who are you two really? Come on and tell us." The second cop asked me, but I ignored him and one them started talking to me again, "You two are a long way from home cowboy and cowgirl. You two have my sympathies." The cop asked me, I felt something moving on me and I looked at my shoulder to see (y/n) was started to wake up, I gave her a smile before she started looking around and she see's that we are somewhere different, (y/n) smiled back at me before I started talking to the cop, "Guess that's a locals way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. Our assignment is to search for the president's missing daughter." I told the two cops, "What, you two by yourself's?" The other cop said to me and (y/n), (y/n) didn't mind it because as long we stick together then we been fine, "I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing Kumbiyah together at some Boy Scouts bonfire. Then again, maybe you did." I told the two cops, the cop started to chuckle and started talking to us, "Oh, you two crazy Americans. It's an direct order from the chief himself. I tell you two it's no big thing." The cop said to us, "we're counting on you guys." Me and (y/n) said at the same time, me and (y/n) looked at each other and we both sigh at this.  (Y/n) was getting tired on this car ride and she decided lean in my chest, so I used my another arm arm to hang on her waist the car ride was boring but we were stopped by the middle in no where because one of the cops had to take a piss outside, 'It was right before we take our duties of protecting the president's daughter when she was abducted. That's the ultimate reason we're in this lonely, rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there's reliable information about a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the president's daughter. Apparently she's being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Who would have thought that our first job would have been a rescue mission?' I was thinking in my head but I noticed one of the cops tried giving me a cigarette but I decline him and he move to (y/n) but she also declined him as way, (y/n) was looking at my direction to see anything, "is there something on my face?" I asked (y/n), "no, just a little nervous about this mission, I don't know why? But if shit hits the fan promise me that you be on my side no matter how hard it is?" (Y/n) asked me, "of course, I will protect you even if it is hard, I will come back for you even if it is hard I will tried to save you as best as I can." I told (y/n), (y/n) gave me a smile before the other guy that was taking a piss came back to the car, the other guy that was on wheel turned the car on and we started moving, once we reach our Destination we had to get out of the car, "just up ahead is the village." One of the cops said to us, "We'll go and have a look around." I told the two cops, "We'll stay and watch the car. Don't want to get any parking tickets." One of the cops said, "right, parking tickets." (Y/n) said in sarcastic tone, "good luck." The second the cop said to us, I opened the car door for me and (y/n) to leave the car, "geez, who are these guys?" I whispered for (y/n) to hear but it looks like the one of the cops heard me, "damn, what they got to hear us?" (Y/n) whisper to me, I shrug my shoulders before we hear our communicators go off, we answer our communicators to see a woman with glasses on and she started talking to us, "Leon, (y/n), I hope you two can hear me. I'm Ingrid Hunnigan. I'll be you're support on this mission." Hunnigan said to us, "Loud and clear. Somehow we thought you'd be a little older. So the subject's name's Ashley Graham right?" I asked Hunnigan, I noticed (y/n) snicker at the little sentence I said to Hunnigan, "That's right. She's the daughter of the President. So you two try to behave yourself okay?" Hunnigan said to us, I chuckle at this and I noticed (y/n) was chuckling to, "whoever this group is, they sure picked the wrong girl to kidnap." I told Hunnigan, "I'll try to find more information on them on my end as well." Hunnigan said to us, "Good. Talk to you later. Leon and (y/n) out." (Y/n) told Hunnigan before we end our called, "I guess we better check that little house area?" (Y/n) asked me, "yeah, your right (y/n)." I told (y/n), so we started walking towards the cabin, Once we were by the door, I opened the door I decided to go first before I let (y/n) come with me, we were walking til we see someone was cooking something, "ah, excuse me. Sir?" I asked the guy but it seems he was ignoring me, "Um, sir?" (Y/n) asked the guy but he didn't say anything to her, so we just moved closer to him, while I was getting the picture of Ashley out of my pocket, once we got close to the guy he started turning around to face us now, I show the guy the picture of the President daughter, I also noticed that he was looking at (y/n) for a while, so I moved (y/n) behind me, "we were just wondering if you might recognize the girl in this photograph?" I asked the guy but he started talking in a different language at us, but I noticed (y/n) was getting nervous about this, "sorry to have bothered you." I put the picture away but I felt (y/n) was shaking me and I looked up to to see she was pointing her gun at the guy and I turned around to see he was going to attack me, so I dodged him, we both pointed our guns at him, "Freeze." We both asked the guy but he didn't stop moving towards to us, "we said freeze!" We both said but of course he didn't stop so we just had to shoot him, once he was dead we both heard a noise and we looked at the window to see our ride was leaving us and also more of the people were coming to get us, "shit!" We both said it together before we hear our radio or communicator go off, we answer it and we heard Hunnigan was talking to us, "is everything okay?" Hunnigan asked us, "there was a hostile local. We had no choice but to neutralize him. There are still others surrounding the area." (Y/n) told to Hunnigan, "get out of there and head toward the village. Take whatever measures necessary to save the subject." Hunnigan told us, "understood." We both said to her before we turned off the radio, we were looking at the body, "geez, I really don't want to become these guys." (Y/n) told me, "yeah, me to." I told (y/n), we went upstairs to see a window that we can jump out from, Leon decided to go first and I was the second one to go, we both made it to the ground with no injuries, we also noticed more of those villagers are coming at us with weapons at us, so we both dodge their attacks and start shooting them in the head and they were yelling at us in Spanish so we kept avoiding them but no matter how many times we tried to avoid their attacks on us, we just had to shoot them in the head, once we were done with the people we kept walking til we heard a noise.

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