"You want to be stronger to take down your rival, right? Here this is something might help"the green haired guy creeped behind sonic putting something like a beating heart in his hand "we'll be waiting for you".

"No matter how much I trained it look like I can't defeat him, I can't have (y/n) if I continue like that, I most give my humanity And become a monster, (y/n) will except me I know that, she so sweet and kind, she won't care how I look. Saitama! I'll become a monster!" Sonic said.

"It doesn't matter, I should focus on (y/n) she needs the most now" saitama said "w-why? Did something happen to her?" King asked, remembering what happened earlier 'did she get hurt somehow?' He thought.
"She's pregnant, I'm gonna be a father soon"saitama said with the happiest face ever, but he almost gave king a heart attack "p-pregnant!! How? When? Where?"he asked "uhh, you know how you're an adult king, and it's three weeks ago, it happened in our room, and this how I got (y/n) pregnant" saitama said with proud face.

A guy with silver hair was about to attack king but saitama kicked him throwing him into a building.
"Do you know him?"he asked "no" "man I'm starting to lose my emotions too, thank god (y/n) with me to keep me sane"saitama said "is that so? Let's play video games"king said "haha, I know what you trying to do, I won't get angry I lost those feelings" saitama said.

"I'll give a handicap then, to staying at your level, I'm playing with two fingers only" king said, "YOU FRIGGIN' WHAT!! THIS TIME YOU ARE GETTING OWNED!!" Saitama said.

"S-she is what!?" A female voice said "she is pregnant....the child probably have her power too!! HAHAHA! THAT SO EXCITING! Now I will have two strong and powerful beings, no one can stand in my way when I have them with me!! Ahhh~ my sweet (y/n) I can't believe there's a strong child inside of you, you gonna be mine soon, we gonna be one soon, I can't wait to be part of you!!"

"Genos you okay?"the doctor said ".....do you think I can have children?"genos asked, the doctor looked like he expected this "I thought you gonna asked something like that soon, yes you can have children" the doctor said surprising genos "but how!?"
"Well after you asked me for a....uhhem your private part, I thought you gonna thing about having children,so I was working on your DNA so i can put in some way so you can children"the doctor said

Genos would jump in happiness if he wasn't ripped to pieces "thank you so much!!" He said "but don't you think it's too early for you to have children? You still young, live your life"the doctor said.
"My life is (y/n) everything I do is for he, I live for her and will do anything in my power to make her mine, she is the only one I want in my life"genos said.
"She most be a really nice girl to capture your heart like that, hope I can see her one day" the doctor said.
"You will, when I make her mine".

You were standing in front of the mirror checking how big your tummy is.
"I can't wait for you to grow, I'm not gonna lies it's scary, and I'm afraid of the pain, but it worth it, I can't wait to carry you in my arms and hold you close, I can't wait to see you grow, it worth the pain and the wait" you said.

Two strong arms wrapped around you "me too, I can't wait to have a family with you and see our children grow up, I will do anything I can to make you forget the pain, I'll do anything to keep you safe, I'll keep you two safe" saitama whispers in your ear.
"I know you you will...my hero" you kissed him.

"Ugh! I would take right here right now, but I cant" he said "hehe, you can't" you said "you're so damn cute i don't know how I'm supposed to hold back for 5 months" he said.
"Huh? What?, it's 9 months not 5" you correct him "what!!? 9!? Why? This too long! Make it 4" he said.

"It's not something I can control, the baby need time to grow up" you said "how am I suppose to hold back for this long when you look so sweet and cute?... common kid, I'm your father grow faster please, in your age I took only 2 months-"
"you took 9 months too, now now, be a good father and wait for your child to come out"you said.

"At least I still have the upper part" he said before attacking you "keyyaaaa, hahaha, sai!! That tickles, noooo, hahaha please" you said "nope, I won't stop" he said before taking you to your shared room.

Sonic just finished eating the weird heart he cocked, that will turn him to a monster "hehe, saitama you just wait, my dear (y/n) you gonna be mine soon"he said.
He end up spending too long in the restroom.
When he finally got out "I feel lighter and faster, I guess that thing really made me stronger, hahaha!".
' nah he didn't become stronger or a monster, he just lost some kilograms in the restroom'

Hope y'all enjoyed reading 💕

Anyway there's some spoilers in the chapter but you won't understand until you read the manga, and I will start soon writing chapters from the manga and the webcomic.
This book gonna so long, you gonna get bored of it.
But I will continue since I'm writing it for myself too❤️

Yandere one punch man X innocent readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora