Fallon noticed that Daniel didn’t say very much. As soon as Miguel left to see over the dinner, Fallon turned her attention towards Daniel.

“Why so silent?” She asked him. “I’m not being silent; I’m just letting you have your fill of answers. I know how much you love to ask questions.” Daniel teased. “Alright, but I was beginning to think you were falling asleep.” She told him. “Nope, not yet.” Daniel said and the grin returned. “I hope you don’t mind me saying…but your cousin doesn’t seem to like me…” She told him, her voice a little sad. “He’s like that, all attack first think later.” Daniel said with a laugh, but his features showed some concern. Fallon started to worry. She leaned into Daniel’s shoulder. “You’re not gonna ditch me if he doesn’t like me right?” She asked trying to make it sound as a light joke. “Why would I do that?” Daniel asked, his face showed discomfort, his arm was around her waist.

“Approval?” Fallon guessed. “I’d be stupid if I did that for approval. I hope I’d never disappoint you that way.” Daniel said to her solemnly. He leaned in to give her a kiss, but at that moment Miguel came in and cleared his throat. “Come on you two, dinner is ready.” Fallon sighed. She gave Daniel a quick kiss on the cheek before getting off the couch, and walking into the dining room, Daniel followed her shortly.

Dinner went by slowly. Miguel kept the conversation going by talking about how beautiful Portugal was compared to England. He spoke about different soccer players and his opinion about them. He also talked about the courses and career paths he had asked Daniel to take and what he thought about other careers. Fallon kept feeling as though he really wanted her to understand that he didn’t like her. Although Miguel frequently paused and asked for her opinion, even giving her a smile when she shared his opinion; she found him glancing at Daniel when he thought she wasn’t paying attention.

The only difference during dinner was that Daniel spoke. Only sometimes, but more than he had previously. By the time they had finished dessert which was a luscious chocolate cake; Fallon truly felt out of place and uncomfortable. When they finally said their goodbyes and Daniel walked with her to the car, she felt relieved.

“So what did you think?” Daniel asked as he started the car and turned on to the street. “Miguel’s nice…” Fallon replied, trailing off at the end. “What’s wrong?” Daniel asked with concern. “I don’t think he likes me…or my career choice for that matter.” She told him hesitantly. “I’m positive he does, he can just be gruff sometimes. That’s all.” Daniel told her, trying to reassure her. His words didn’t help make her feel better. They were quiet.

“Did you forget…It’s my turn to ask you questions.” Daniel said to her, trying to lighten the mood. “Okay sure.” Fallon said, trying to go along with it. “How old are you?” He asked her. “Twenty.” She answered. “Any siblings?” He echoed her questions from earlier that day. “Two younger brothers and one little sister.” “How old are they?” “My brothers are 16 and 13, while my sister is only 10.” “Why did you move here?” “To get my degree and work on my music.” “What do your parents do?” “My father owns his own pharmaceutical company and teaches at a local university, and my mother is a stay at home mom.” “So why didn’t they come with you?” “Because Canada is their home, and I would never ask my father to uproot his company to follow me on some crazy career thing.” “Do you miss them?” Daniel asked, this time he looked over at her. Fallon was facing the window, snow had started falling in huge tufts. “Everyday. When I first came here it was really hard…I used to cry in the bathroom each morning. My mom would tell me that it was okay to come home. After a while I started getting used to it, but the loneliness didn’t go away. I met Cheryl a little while after I moved here. She was there for me for a lot of stuff. It helped a lot, but the pain comes back. I go to see them every summer though, and winter break. Plus now I can help fund the company and keep it expanding.” Fallon said, her heart was still heavy every time she thought about her family. She didn’t look at Daniel. She didn’t want him to see that her eyes were watering.

“Do you ever want to go back?” He asked. “Sometimes…like when I have exams. Or when it’s one of their birthdays. But I know it’s better if I stay here a little longer, so that when I go back the company will be able to stand on its own.” She told him, still facing the window. “How long is a little while longer?” Daniel asked, sadness in his voice. This caught Fallon’s attention. She faced him this time. “Three to five years, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep the house with Cheryl, since I will have to come for work. By then I’ll probably split the time between here and home equally.” She told him, trying to cheer him up.

They had finally reached her house. Daniel got out of the car to walk Fallon up to the door. When they reached the door, before Fallon could put her key in the lock, she turned sharply to face Daniel. “Next time we go out, I get to choose.” She told him. Daniel smiled. He seemed to be himself again. “Alright, just try to keep the photographers away.” He told her with a laugh.

“Fine, well goodnight then…” Fallon said to him. He gave her what she had been hoping for. He leaned in and kissed her. “Goodnight, I’ll call you tomorrow.” He said as she pulled away. He smiled and waved as he got into his car. She fumbled for her keys in her pocket. As she opened the door, he pulled away from the house. She was sad to see him leaving, since they hadn’t really talked about Miguel.

Fallon entered the dark house. She turned on the lights that led to her room. After a few moments she was sure that Cheryl was asleep, Fallon was hoping that the older girl was asleep. She placed her coat onto the back of the chair next to her desk. Sure enough she heard footsteps coming from the stairs, within moments Cheryl was in her room, bouncing in with excitement.

“So how did it go?” Cheryl asked, bubbling over. “I’m sure the cousin loved you, right?” As soon as Cheryl saw the miserable look on Fallon’s face, she froze in place. “It can’t have been that bad…” Cheryl tried. “I really think Miguel didn’t like me…” Fallon said. The two girls sat down onto the bed, as Fallon told Cheryl about her evening with Daniel and Miguel.

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