Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

“I think the first weekend of June will be just fine. It gives us about two weeks to get everything done. It’ll be faster since we’re splitting it between the eight of us.” Christopher said.

Fallon and Christopher had called the rest of the guys together to set up the races. Each of them had been eager to help; they all wanted to be able to help in this small tribute to Phil. They were all sitting on the grassy lawn next to the track.

The somber attitude that had settled on the group as they first sat together had been quickly replaced by excitement. All of the jobs from advertising to finding sponsors and getting donations had been divided between the eight of them. All eight of them had agreed to race…nobody actually needed convincing.

Fallon had convinced Christopher not to use to Mercedes for the race. “With all due respect, Chris, I think if you raced that everyone would leave. I mean it’s like defiling the car. It should be illegal.” She had told him, snickering lightly. The rest of the group had chuckled in agreement. Even Christopher looked amused. He had agreed to the condition in the end.

In addition to Aidan, Adam, Alex, Lucas, Samuel, Taylor, Christopher, and Fallon, who were racing, Dallas and Adrian had also agreed. They had remained behind just for the event and to sort out some of the remaining issues, while their families had gone home.

The next thing to decide was the heats of the races. Fallon had come up with drawing the names out of a hat. There would be five heats of two, so they would have five winners. This created a little problem, until soft spoken Lucas came up with a solution that worked out for all of them.

Since Adrian and Dallas were two of the oldest and more experienced drivers, they wouldn’t participate in the heats. So instead of five heats there would be four. This would give four winners. Four winners, plus two extremely experienced drivers. The four of them would then have another draw, which would sort out the places for the three final heats.

Since the track had space four cars to start at the same time, having three go at the same time to get a final winner was even better. They had all agreed to Lucas’ idea. Fallon put the eight of their names into the baseball hat Alex had let her use.

“Okay so the racers in the first heat will be…Taylor and Christopher.” Fallon said as she pulled out the two names. She shook the hat again and faced the other way as she pulled out another pair of names. “For the second heat, it’ll be…Aidan and Alex.” Fallon said, much to Alex’s dismay. He had groaned as soon as he heard his name called out. “I’m going to get creamed.” He complained. “Yup, and it’ll be for a good cause.” Aidan said with a laugh. The group laughed with him. “For the third heat, it’s Lucas…and me.” Fallon said as she looked at the pieces of paper she pulled out. “For the last heat, it’s Adam and Samuel.” Fallon stated the obvious. “Best of luck, I guess.” She said.

As they adjourned their meeting, Fallon headed home. Craig had laid off the work until now. Though he supported her initiatives with the race, he had given her and overtly large amount of papers to go through. She hadn’t complained. It was as though he was finally giving her permission to do as she liked. She had done all the planning for the upcoming single; she had planned most of the tour. It wasn’t like Craig to throw caution to the wind and give her this much creative control. Yet Fallon knew this was how she preferred it.

The latest pile included naming the tour, the dates and the places, the reviewing of some of the treatments for the music video of the single she had chosen. In respect to the latter, Fallon had decided she would work backwards. After listening to the song many times, Fallon had come up with an idea for the video herself. None of the treatments so far had matched her expectations.

Fallon had put in upon herself to write up a treatment and get Craig to find a director to direct the video accordingly. She knew Craig was a little fumed at this, but he couldn’t complain since he gave her the work to do. If he wanted it done right, he would have to do it her way.

Fallon was confident that she knew she had the right idea. In her head it had worked out. She had a scene for each part of the song. She wanted to direct it and do everything herself. That’s how much thought she had given the idea. It seemed as though these days all she could do was think of new ways to do things. Like something had been put into place and her ideas had come spilling out.

She couldn’t stop the flow of her own thoughts sometimes. On some days Cheryl would walk in on Fallon scribbling notes, while all her papers from Craig were laying all over the sofa untouched. Cheryl had to stop Fallon to eat.

Fallon stopped to get some new books from the book store near her home. She had looked up some titles on the internet which had caught her attention. ‘Wicked Lovely’ and ‘Ink Exchange’.

By the time Fallon had reached home it was almost five. She had spent most of her day with the guys planning out everything, and dividing the work. She would be the one making calls for papers to cover the event, and get some additional advertising. She would also have to arrange for the bleachers that would surround a certain portion of the track at a safe distance.

As soon as Fallon entered she placed her files and papers on her bed and booted up her computer. She had done enough work for everyone else today. Instead she typed up the treatment for her music video.

Next Friday, before the race, Fallon would be announcing her single. Before then she had to get Craig on board with her idea. She had to find a director that would be able to see the same vision, or at least a better version of her vision. She would also have to find a designer who could make the dresses she had in mind. Her mind was whirring again. She made a list of things she had to do before approaching Craig, and then made a list of what she would have to do tomorrow.

Fallon breathed a sigh of relief; thankfully she didn’t have any classes this summer. If she had taken any, this would have made it very difficult to keep up with anything.

In a way, Fallon knew exactly why she had started to work so crazily. Her mind was being kept from facing another set of things that she did not want to deal with. Fallon still hadn’t read Phil’s letter. She had put it on the top shelf of her closet, away from sight. There was a part of her that didn’t want to know what was in the letter, but a small part of her did. That latter part had lost.

Fallon logged into her computer and opened up a new document. Before she began to write the treatment, she picked up the folder and went through the papers. She saw the date that she would be performing the single for the first time. It was a week after the race, at Lively’s. This wasn’t exactly comforting. The song she had chosen…she didn’t want to sing in front of someone…someone who she still wanted. Fallon stopped her thoughts from progressing, and returned to typing up her ideas.

By the time Fallon finished it was around seven fifteen in the evening. There was still light outside. She looked over the treatment one more time before saving it and printing it. She put it into the folder, and stacked everything neatly onto her desk.

Cheryl wasn’t home still. She would probably be late tonight. Cheryl had been busy with the club and her boyfriend Keith for the last little while. Keith was Cheryl’s age, had dark blonde hair, with blue eyes. He was very nice to Fallon when he was over. Cheryl had been with him for two years.

Fallon walked through the quiet house, there wasn’t very much to do. She had cleaned up whatever there was. She went downstairs to the library and took her new additions with her. She put them gently into the bookshelves, and left back up stairs.

She was slightly bored; she grabbed some food and water and sat on the couch turning on the television. She knew Manchester United had played an exhibition match yesterday, she changed the channel to the ‘On Demand Sports’ channel and selected the game.

As the room began to darken with the light fading from the outside, Fallon watched number 27 score two of the six goals, which Manchester United won by.

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