Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

(Ten Years Later)

“I’m never going to understand why you love hot chocolate…even in the summer.” Daniel said, exasperatedly. “Hot chocolate is good any time of the year! It’s not just for the winter!” Fallon retorted. “When you think of winter, what are the first few things that pop into your head? I think of snowmen, snow ball fights, chestnuts roasting over a fire, oh and hot chocolate!” Daniel told her smartly. Fallon pushed him away lightly.

“I’m kidding…I don’t begrudge you for your cravings of hot chocolate during the hottest months of the year.” He told her with a laugh. Though she had pouted at him, soon enough Fallon gave in and she laughed along with him.

Fallon was sitting on the kitchen counter as she watched Daniel make hot chocolate for her. For some reason her own brew never tasted as good as when he made it. She watched as he moved away to get chocolate out of the freezer and shred some over the cream of her drink.

“Here you are your highness.” He said as he bowed, with the cup in front of him. “Thank you, but shouldn’t you taste test it first. The queen can’t die because of some error.” She told him slyly. “Right you are!” Daniel took a sip, before handing it to Fallon. “See its fine, nothing to worry about.” He told her, with a grin. “Good, so I can drink it after all.” She said, happily taking the cup from him and drinking it. As soon as she had taken the first sip, Daniel had gagged. “Real funny, Daniel.” She told him.

“I watched Iano do it to Drea…she wouldn’t touch her food after that. So when she left, Iano finished her dessert. It was funny.” Daniel said with a grin. He was standing right in front of her now. “I knew it! You want some hot chocolate too! You just won’t admit it!” Fallon laughed. “No!” He protested. “I just wanted to see if you would be put off.” He told her. “Why would I be put off? I love chocolate!” She told him.

Daniel raised an eyebrow. “More than you love this?” He asked. “Than what?” She had been about to ask, except she was interrupted. Daniel kissed her. “Okay, fine…you win…not more than that…but still…” She put her mug away and kissed him back. It was a few moments before they were interrupted.

There were shouts coming from the backyard. Fallon and Daniel drew apart. Back to reality…-Fallon thought, with a sigh. She gave Daniel a quick kiss, and hopped down from the counter. Daniel took her hand as they walked to the source of the commotion.

“It was such as smart idea bringing them here to Funchal every summer.” Fallon teased, as they walked. “I stand by the idea. At least their learning my language when they’re with my brother and my sister and the kids. Not to mention they get to learn how other people live.” He told her with a smile.

“As much as I agree with the fact that their learning how other people live; I don’t think your brother teaching them how to communicate using smoke signals…is learning a language. That is not learning a language.” Fallon snickered.

Daniel laughed at this. “It’s all that comes with being a part of the family, Mrs. Santos.” He told her, as he rubbed the diamond ring and band on the ring finger of her left hand. Daniel wrapped an arm around her. “Remind me why I married you?” Fallon asked him with a grin. “Because you love me and you know that I love you.” He told her, kissing her lightly. “Lucky you!” She told him cheekily. “What can I say; I am a very lucky man!” He told her smartly, before Fallon gave him a kiss.

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