“Hello again.” Daniel greeted her as she entered his car. “Hello. So are we going to where ever now?” Fallon asked him. “Yes we are, you are dressed warmly enough though, right?” Daniel asked her. “Yea, I won’t die in the cold.” She retorted.

Daniel pulled away from the school. Fallon settled into her seat and watched the scenery go by. “Aren’t you going to play twenty questions?” His voice was quiet but light. “Only if I get to ask you the questions.” Fallon said to Daniel, turning to look at him. “Okay I’ll humor you, but you can’t ask me what I do for a living. Or anything that might give that away.” Daniel said, negotiating with her.

“Fine…kill joy…” Fallon muttered darkly, she tried to think of things she hadn’t already asked him. “How old are you?” She asked. “Twenty three.” Daniel replied. “Where were you born?” “Funchal.” “Any siblings?” “Two, an older brother and a younger sister. Sister’s married though.” “Parents?” “My dad passed away when I was 18, his kidney and liver stopped working…then he went in to cardiac arrest two weeks later. My mom passed away when I was 20. I think she died of a broken heart, but the doctors said that she also had a cardiac arrest, but prior to that she had a few small heart attacks.” Daniel said slowly. “I’m so sorry…” Fallon was at a loss for words. Daniel glanced at her. “It’s okay, at least their both together now.”

Fallon was quiet. “Come on, keep the questions coming.” Daniel insisted. “Okay…favorite sport?” Fallon said without thinking. “Football, well soccer to you.” “Favorite player?” “I have many...I can’t choose.” “Alright, favorite English soccer team?” “Manchester United, because they have both Ronaldo and Nani.”

The two of them continued the conversation this way, until finally Daniel stopped the car. Fallon looked outside. “Why are we at a soccer field?” She asked him, puzzled. “Is there something wrong with saying football pitch?” Daniel asked her. “I always consider football to be the sport where you have to push people and sit on them to get the ball…so it’s a better way for me to tell the difference between them.” Fallon said without taking her eyes off the field. “I’m not going to be playing on this…am I?” She asked Daniel, nervously. “Actually we both are.” He said as he got out of the car. “Great…” Fallon muttered darkly, as she opened the door to get out. “Come on! It won’t be that bad.” Daniel said with a laugh. “Easy for you to say. I still don’t see how this is going to help you explain your occupation.” Fallon said, dreading the moment she would have to play.

“Oh come on, come here. I’ll show you.” Daniel said with a smile. He went over to where Fallon had stopped. Taking her by the hand he dragged her over to the end of the field, near the net. “This is my job.” He told her as he placed the ball on the ground. “You put soccer balls on the pitch?” Fallon asked, confused. “No…” Daniel said patiently. “Watch me.” He told her. He ran at the ball and kicked it. It swerved in to the net neatly. “You kick soccer balls?” Fallon said. Daniel stood there, waiting for her to say it. It dawned on Fallon. “You’re a soccer player?” She asked, shocked. “Yes, at last she has gotten there.” Daniel said with a laugh.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Fallon said furiously. “Now it makes sense. No wonder you dealt with the photographers so…so…neatly.” Fallon finally understood why Daniel had laughed it off when they were mobbed at Lively! “I didn’t tell you for the same reason you didn’t tell me.” Daniel said calmly. “Alright, so why are you telling me now?” Fallon asked. “Because I wanted to tell you, and besides it’s better you know from me than you finding out in some paper.” Daniel told her.

“You’re not angry with me, are you?” He asked her. Fallon looked at him. “No, just disappointed that I didn’t figure it out myself.” “Good, so will you play with me?” He asked her. Fallon didn’t want to make an idiot out of herself, but decided to go along. After all he had been a good sport at the gig. “Alright, you win.” Fallon said with a smile, as she walked towards him.

The two of them were freezing, and Fallon had grass stains on her pants; when the two of them headed for the car.

“Just so you know it’s still my turn asking you questions.” Fallon informed Daniel, as they sat in the car. “Fine, but when I drive you home it’ll be my turn.” Daniel said as he started the car.

“Okay so which team do you play for?” Fallon started asking. “Sporting Lisbon.” Daniel replied. “Cool, you’re on the same team Cristiano Ronaldo was on.” “Yea.” “Okay so why are you here?” “I want to play in the EPL.” “For which team?” “Manchester United, obviously. If not then maybe I’ll consider Chelsea.” “Do you play for the national team?” “Nope, but I will be trying for next year.” “What made you want to change leagues?” Upon hearing Fallon ask this, Daniel became quiet. He looked as though he was really pondering the answer. “Well because my mom really wanted me to play for United. She had loved them. Also because then I could help my brother and sister more.” He told her honestly.

They had reached Fallon’s house. Daniel cut the engine. “Go on and change, I’ll wait here.” He told her. “Just come so I can show you around. Cheryl’s home too.” Fallon pushed him, she had seen her car in the drive way. “Alright, I’m coming.” Daniel got out of the car and Fallon followed him to the door. She opened it to find Cheryl coming to answer the door. “Oh I thought it was someone else.” Cheryl said to them, as they entered.

“What are you two doing here? I thought you were going to dinner or something?” Cheryl asked as Fallon took her hand, and led her away from Daniel. “What’s wrong Fallon?” Cheryl voiced her concern. “I need to dress for dinner…I’m meeting his cousin.” Fallon whispered, urgency in her voice. “And here I thought it was a real emergency. Come on.” Cheryl said to Fallon in a low voice. “Daniel, why don’t you make yourself at home. I left the TV on, I’m sure you can find something on it.” Cheryl said to Daniel, since he was still standing awkwardly in the hall. Daniel moved to where Cheryl gestured, then Cheryl led Fallon to her room.

“Okay so why freak out over clothes? That’s not like you.” Cheryl asked as she looked through Fallon’s closet. “You know how horrible I am at picking clothes. Besides I want to make a good impression.” Fallon said, the nerves were eating away at her. “Alright…so did you find out what he does?” Cheryl asked. “Yea…it turns out he’s a soccer player…” Fallon said softly. “NO WAY!” Shrieked Cheryl. “Shh…” Fallon told her.

“Wow…it’s like Posh and Becks…just that you don’t scowl, and he doesn’t shave his head.” Cheryl snickered. “Don’t say that…of all things…” Fallon pleaded with her. “Fine…here you go.” Cheryl held out a dress and a pair of heels. It was a midnight blue dress with straps, and a shiny silver belt right under the neckline. The heels were the same silver. “Come on hurry up and change, so that I can do your make up. While you change, let me get your good coat…where did you put it last?” Cheryl asked Fallon. At times like these Fallon felt really lucky to have her. Cheryl was motherly, and Fallon was glad that she helped her out so much. “It’s in the back of the closet.” Fallon dashed into her bathroom, luckily it was also attached to her room.

As soon as Fallon had changed, Cheryl came at her with the make up. “Can I have smoky eyes?” Fallon asked, she sounded like a child asking for candy. “Okay, but make sure you don’t rub your eyes then.” Cheryl answered. “Cheryl?” “Yes?” “Thanks…” Fallon told her best friend. “You’re welcome.” Cheryl smiled at Fallon. They really were like sisters.

Cheryl finished doing Fallon’s make up in no time. Fallon stepped out of her room, only to find Daniel sitting on the couch. He turned as he heard the door open. Cheryl came out with Fallon’s coat. She saw him take Fallon’s appearance in. “So what do you think?” Cheryl asked. Fallon met Daniel’s eyes.

“She looks,” Daniel started softly. “Breathtaking.”

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