Ch. 9. Am I going to kill you??

Começar do início

"There are a lot of girls named on my name. I think you got the wrong person. I never did something that you have to kidnapped me. Please just leave me". I begged and he chuckled.

The man who left is come back with another chair. The man comfortably sited on it and says

"Let us introduce each other. I am Mike. And you are doctor Jasmine Junaid. Am I wrong?" I nodded and he smiles in approval.

"Why am I here?" I asked him. "Look, I don't know you or any one of these men. And I have no idea what's going on or why did you kidnapped me. You are mistaken. Ok. So just leave me so I can go home. Please."

I told him and he just chuckled. I mean why? Here I am in full panic mode and the man has no care. I don't think that I have ever seen him. He didn't looks like a native one. Blue eyes, looks more like a foreigner.

"Hello! back to reality." He waved his hand in front of me and straighten up.

"You want to know why we are meeting here, right?" He asked me.

"Actually not. We are not meeting here. You are kidnapped me." I snapped. How dare he! First he kidnapped me and then telling me that it is a meeting.

"Ok as you wish. It's a kidnapping to you, but me it's a meeting, a business meeting, more like a deal".

"A deal? What kind of deal? Look I am not interested in any kind of deal with you. Just let me go." I pleaded.

"Sorry dear but you don't have any choice." He fakes pity.

As I am going to open my mouth on protest he speaks

"So let's talk about business." His posture straighten up. "What does you know about The Don? And before you can say anything I am warned you not to lie".

I looked at him and blinked. Is the man crazy? How am I supposed to known about someone whom I never saw before and might be sitting behind the other side of some ocean.

"Are you sure that you bring the right one? Because I don't have any idea about The Don and I never saw him."

He groans but I cut him and told "I swear I am telling you the truth. I don't know him. How could I?" He sighed.

"Well you definitely met him. At your clinic, 3 days ago, a man with bullet injury. Trigger something?" He said.

"What!" I shouted. "Is the man also told you that he is the Don? See buddy, he fooled you. He is no don, ok."

"Really are you that naive?" He smirked. "Well we don't have to argue about that. Don or not, you have to do something. And if you ignore it, the result won't be pretty".

His face now void of any playfulness of before. Means he is really serious. I gulped. I don't have any idea what he wants from me and what I have to do.

"W.. what I have to do?" I stammers, my hands become sweaty.

"What happened? Are you afraid? Don't, because the job you are going to do needs a lot of bravery".

"Just tell me". I don't know what am I doing, but I should try.

"Well" he toys with his gun and then threw it on my lap "you have to kill him".

"What!!!"I shouted at my topmost voice. He immediately put his hand on his ears, as if my voice hurt his eardrum.

"Ahh! Woman! Don't raise your voice like this. My ears are little bit sensitive, yea know." He smirked.

"So where was I? Ah! Remember. You are going to kill the'Don', Aman Oberoi. Got it?"

This man is insane! Ok I got this that that man was really The Don whom I had treated. And that time may be he was in good mood as he told me about his identity , but it's not that I have to kill him. Oh god! I am on the last step from crying. What should I do?

"But I..." He don't let me finish my words and talks

"Here is the gun. I believe he would come back to your clinic for his cheek up. You just have one chance." He told and then thinks something and he takes back his gun.

I sighed in relief. 'yeah Allah!' I think he understands that I don't do this and thinks about to let me go.

"On the other thought, you don't know how to fire a gun, right?" He asked and I frantically nods in answer. That's it, he is going to let me go.

"So I thought that you should use poison. Just inject it, and all over. Got it?" He looks at me.

I am now defeated. Why don't he understands that I am not a killer. I groans and said,
"Look I am telling you the last time I am not going to kill anyone" I shouted.

"Why? What's your problem? It's Just a single person, not the whole country. Do it , otherwise I will kill you." He pointed his gun towards me. It's now do or die. I took a deep breath. My mother always adviced me to save everyone, either it's human or animal. I won't let her down.

" Kill me" I said calmly. "Kill me because I don't and won't kill anyone. I am a doctor and it my duty to save others, not to harm them. So kill me because until death I will not willingly hurt anyone". Thats it. I am going to die. Mom, dad! I am coming to you.

"Well, well! As if it's not the Catwoman?" A voice broke my thoughts.

"I don't know someone has to be that idiot." The voice speaks again, a man standing on the door. He comes to me under the light and I gasped.

The Don's DocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora